P. 41

Self  love

             7Self love can be dened as loving ourselves no matter who we are ,how we look ,it's
             not based on physical appearances. Self love is a prerequisite
             emotion of human beings.Your outer body appearances   are
             not the factors that make you love yourself ,just remember the
             people who are known for their looks are barely known for
             anything else ,what you need to love is your inner self your
             inner soul,mind,character more over you need to love yourself
             because  your  existence  on  earth  is  purely  a  once  in  a  blue
             moon. You won't get an another  chance to love yourself. Self
             love being an indispensable element of your emotional life will
             also brighten your entire life,   all things will get better, you              B.Srinithi
             will  start  becoming  more  satised  with  yourself.Once  you             Class - X - B
             learn to love yourself ,it means that you have accepted your

             true self and all the aws and imperfections present in you.
             We all need care and love for ourselves ,we all deserve to be loved by ourself. Self
             love needs to be cultivated in one's heart as we may not nd it from very beginning.
             This love can be cultivated by self care ,do not push yourselves too hard for beauty
             ,stop comparing yourself to others, preserve your originalality, be yourself,do what
             you  want,  don't  change  yourself  for  others,  understand  yourself,  cultivate  the
             feeling that your innerself is the true beauty. You need to listen and love yourself
             because the world will never stop rebuking you. Try loving yourself you will be
             precisely lost in your beautiful innerself and soul. "Be the rst one to love you then
             you will learn how to love others."

                                                              I love my self

                                               Topic "Self love" For magazine.

                                                  Self  loveis  not  just  loving  your  physical
                                      appearances it's about being proud on yourself which further

                                      hepls you to achieve your goals.
                                                  When you start loving yourself you will notice that
                                      the environment around you have changed and became much
                                      more pleasant.
                Dheraj Sharma
                                      As Pythagoras had said twenty ve centuries ago:-
                  Class - X - B

                                                   "Above all the things, reverence yourself".
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