Page 1 - Preschool Newsletter September 2018
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Litchfield Park

                                            Preschool Newsletter

                                                                                          September, 2018 Issue

                                        Welcome to Preschool! We have officially started our 2018-19 preschool year.
                                        Throughout the year, Wednesdays and Thursdays are designated Spirit/Show
                                        & Tell days. Each week, we will choose a different spirit theme (silly socks,
                                        pajama day, bring a specific item) for Show & Tell to add to our lesson. If
                                        school is not in session on your child’s Spirit/Show & Tell day there will not
                                        be a Spirit/Show & Tell for your child’s class that week.


                                           Snack choices are due!
                                            Snack choices are due. If snack choices are not turned in by Thursday,
                                            September 6, or Friday, September 7, 2018 we will assign a snack.

                                           Tuition is due on the 15th of each month.
                                             Please remember to pay your tuition by the 15th. Your October, 2018
                                            tuition is due on or before September 15, 2018. A $15 late fee will be
                                            assessed if tuition is not received by the 15th. Payments can be made in
                                            person or over the phone.

                                           Remember to sign your child in and out.
                                            Please make sure you are signing your child in and out following the
                                            procedure outlined in the Parent Handbook, page 7. Children will not
                                            be released to anyone not listed on your child’s “blue card”. Parents must
                                            provide written or verbal notice to the teacher when authorizing someone
                                            on their child’s “blue card” to pick up their child. The teacher will ask for
                                            picture ID from any individual who is not recognized as the regular pickup
                                        Odds & Ends

                                            Please take your child to the restroom before class.
                                            For the safety of the children, we are unable to open the potty door until
                                              all the children have arrived and we have taken attendance. The office
                                            will open at 7:50 a.m. for your child to use the restroom, if needed.

                                            “Book Buddy” will begin in October.
                                            Each week, a child is randomly selected (their names are pulled from a
                                            jar) to be the “Book Buddy”. Your child will be notified a week in advance.
                                            Once they receive the “Book Buddy Bag”, they will need to place their
                                            favorite book inside, return it to school and place the “Book Buddy Bag”
                                            in the homework box (located on the sign in/out table). During their
                                            chosen week, each student will be invited up in front of the class to help
                                            read their book and answer questions from their friends.

                                            Please REFRAIN from bringing in toys from home.
                                            Show & Tell is only on Wednesday for ABC Explorers students and
                                            Thursdays for Adventures in Learning students.
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