Page 2 - Preschool Newsletter September 2018
P. 2
Important Dates Teacher’s Corner
Monday, September 3 Welcome to Litchfield Park Preschool
Labor Day holiday (no school) The start of preschool is a milestone that's
anticipated with great excitement and joy. We have
Saturday, September 15 several tips to successfully start this new adventure
and to reduce separation anxiety!
October, 2018 tuition due
Wednesday, September 19 & Discuss Preschool With Your Child
Thursday, September 20 Consistency is key when it comes to making preschool
“Dusty the Street Sweeper” visits a part of your child's new routine. The night before
preschool, assure your child they will have fun and
Weekly Themes you’ll be there to pick them up after school. Simply
going together on a regular basis will provide your
little one with a strong sense of anticipation. Keep
September 4-7 your goodbyes brief, give your child a hug and let
Friendship / feelings week them know you will see them after school. When you
pick your child up at the end of the day, reinforce the
September 10-14 idea that you came back, just like you said you would.
Introduction to alphabet / phonics
Get the Teacher Involved
September 17-21 Litchfield Park’s preschool teachers are warm, caring,
Introduction to upper / lower case letters and experienced individuals who anticipate students'
needs. Please make sure to provide Ms. Seye with any
September 24-28 necessary information that will help the teaching staff
Numbers and letters get to know your child better.
Letter of the week: A, a
Create a Goodbye Routine
Spirit / Show & Tell We encourage parents to develop a goodbye routine.
This could be anything you and your child decide,
such as a hug or special saying. Once you've said
September 5 and 6 your goodbyes, it's best to skedaddle so that your
Bring in one favorite item to help your new friends child doesn't become preoccupied by your presence.
get to know you!
Separation Anxiety
September 12 and 13 Children settle into the preschool environment quite
Bring in one favorite item to help your new friends quickly. Anxiety for some children is normal. Don't
get to know you! worry! Eventually your child will outgrow the
separation anxiety.
September 19 and 20 \
Bring in one favorite item to help your new friends Parent Handbook
get to know you! The Litchfield Park Preschool 2018-19 Parent
Handbook is available electronically online at
September 26 and 27
Bring in one favorite item to help your new friends
get to know you!
Contact Information Like Us on Facebook
Ms. Seye White
Litchfield Park Preschool
100 S Old Litchfield Rd.
Litchfield Park Arizona
623-935-9040 @LitchfieldParkPreschool