Page 1 - Preschool Newsletter April 2018
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Litchfield Park
Preschool Newsletter
April, 2018 Issue
We officially have seven remaining weeks of school! It’s time to think about
the 2018-19 school year. Priority enrollment for parents with children
currently enrolled in the Litchfield Park Preschool will open on M onday, April
23, 2018, at 8am. The priority enrollment w ill conclude Friday, M ay 4,
2018, and open enrollment begins Saturday, May 5, 2018. In order to secure
your child’s 2018-19 preschool enrollment, enroll early AND during the
priority enrollment window.
The Litchfield Park official swim season opens Saturday, April 21. Join us
from 1 to 5pm for our free April Pools Day event. Activities include
swimming, water games, giveaways, and healthy fun!
∗ Monday, April 16, 2018
Please make sure to remit your child’s tuition payment by Monday,
April 16 to avoid the $15 late fee.
Please remember to check your child’s snack calendar.
The snack calendar can be viewed on the parent board located outside
the preschool door or on Litchfield Park Preschool’s Facebook page.
Thursday, May 24
Graduation for ABC Explorers AM and PM will take place at Rose Park,
580 W. Village Parkway, Litchfield Park. More information will be available
as graduation approaches.
Odds & Ends
Keep emergency phone numbers updated.
Please make sure to answer your phone during school hours in case of an
emergency. Also make sure you keep your phone numbers up to date on
your “blue card”.
Classroom safety is a priority for our students.
Only instructors and registered students are permitted in the classroom.
This is a mandate of the Arizona Department of Health and Human
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Breakfast provides our children with the energy and nutrients that lead to
increased concentration in the classroom. It also provides energy for
activities during the morning and helps to prevent mid-morning slumps.
The cold and flu season is still upon us.
We remind parents to keep your children at home if they are ill.
Let’s prevent lost jackets and backpacks.
Please remember to write your child’s name on jackets and backpacks.
The public restroom project is almost completed.
Thank you for your patience.