Page 2 - Preschool Newsletter April 2018
P. 2
Important Dates Teacher’s Corner
Monday, April 16 Celebrate Earth Day, April 22!
May tuition is due Our earth
Saturday, April 21 should be
April Pools Day! (pool opens) protected so
Monday, April 23 - Friday, May 4 its precious
Preschool priority enrollment resources can
Friday, April 27 be available to
Teacher in-Service, No School us for many
Tuesday, May 22 years to
come. It is
Last day of preschool for Adventures in Learning never too
Wednesday, May 23 early to start
Last day of preschool for ABC AM and PM classes teaching
Thursday, May 24 children the
Graduation for ABC Explorer classes only importance of
keeping our
Weekly Themes planet clean
and learning
how to
reduce, reuse,
April 2 - 6 and recycle. With a little guidance and supervision,
Let’s See What’s Blooming!
Letter of the Week: U, u kids can get creative helping and celebrating the
April 9 - 13
Pride in the Desert Just because preschoolers are small doesn't mean
Letter of the Week: Review A-U they can't help make a difference. After all, little steps
April 16 - 20 can lead to big changes.
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs
Letter of the Week: V, v Source:
April 23 - 27
Let’s Go Camping Recycled Paper Home Project
Letter of the Week: W, w 1. Gather your materials. You will need scrap paper,
April 30 - May 4 newspaper, a bowl, a blender, water, towels, and a
Duck, Duck, Goose, and Other Feathery Friends window screen. I also dried the paper by placing it
Letter of the Week: X, x on a plastic cutting board.
Spirit / Show & Tell 2. Start by ripping your scrap paper and newspaper
into small pieces. The smaller the better.
April 4 and 5 3. Add water. Squish, let soften for as long as your
Bring in a flower, we will make a pretty child will wait. We didn’t wait too long but the
arrangement for class blending is easier the squishier you get the “pulp”.
April 11 and 12
Student Choice 4. ADULT ONLY - using a blender,
April 18 and 19 blend the water and paper pulp.
We’re going on a bug hunt during class!
April 25 and 26 5. Place old towels under your screen.
Bring in a sleeping bag/blanket for a classroom
campout 6. Pop the pulp on it.
May 2 and 3 7. Press the water out. I just used
Student Choice a dish cloth (smooth cotton not fluffy).
Contact Information 8. Flip onto a cutting board and let dry.
Ms. Seye White 9. Allow to dry for two (2) days.
Litchfield Park Preschool
100 S Old Litchfield Road 10. Then, cut them out into your child’s
Litchfield Park Arizona favorite shape and add a ribbon.
623-935-9040 Source: