Page 1 - Preschool Newsletter March 2018
P. 1
Litchfield Park
Preschool Newsletter
March, 2018 Issue
Easter Egg Hunt
Wednesday, March 28 and Thursday, March 29, 2018
We are having an Easter Egg Hunt! The hunt will take place on Wednesday,
March 28 for the ABC Explorers students and Thursday, March 29 for the
Adventures in Learning students. We ask that each child bring in one dozen
prefilled plastic eggs. All eggs need to be filled with sealed, age appropriate
items. We cannot use eggs with open jelly beans, M&M’s , etc. You can fill
eggs with individual size packs of fruit snacks, tattoos, rings, or toys. All
eggs must be turned in no later than Monday, March 19, 2018, for the ABC
Explorers students and Tuesday, March 20, 2018, for the Adventures in
Learning students.
Thank you for your participation in the Healthy Classroom Challenge!
∗ Thursday, March 15, 2018
Please make sure to remit your child’s tuition payment by Thursday,
March 15 to avoid the $15 late fee.
∗ Thursday, March 22 and Friday, March 23, 2018
Picnic Day! Please bring in your favorite snack!
∗ Please remember to check your child’s snack calendar
The snack calendar can be viewed on the parent board located outside
the preschool door or on Litchfield Park Preschool’s Facebook page.
Odds & Ends
Emergency phone numbers
Please make sure to answer your phone during school hours in case of an
emergency. Also make sure you keep your phone numbers up to date on
your “blue card”.
For our students’ safety
Only instructors and registered students are permitted in the classroom.
This is a mandate of the Arizona Department of Health and Human
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
Breakfast provides our children with the energy and nutrients that lead to
increased concentration in the classroom. It also provides energy for
activities during the morning and helps to prevent mid-morning slumps.
The cold and flu season is upon us
We remind parents to keep your children at home if they are ill.
Lost jacket/backpack prevention
Please remember to write your child’s name on jackets and backpacks.