Page 2 - Preschool Newsletter May 2018
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Important Dates Summer Home Activities
At home during the summer break you may be looking for
practical ideas for your kids' entertainment, things for kids
Friday, May 4 to do by themselves and things for you to do with them.
Priority preschool enrollment for 2018-19 closes
Saturday, May 5 If you need ideas for each day, check out “things for kids to
Open 2018-19 preschool enrollment do every day” at
Monday, May 14
Wildlife World Zoo for ABC Explorers AM class
Tuesday, May 15
Wildlife World Zoo for Adventures in Learning Cook out...frequently. Go beyond the burgers. Try
veggies or fish. The kids might like them!
Wednesday, May 16
Wildlife World Zoo for ABC Explorers PM class Camp out. First-timers, try backyard camping.
Tuesday, May 22 & Wednesday, May 23 Camp in. Put the sleeping bags on the floor and have a
Healthy Classroom Challenge Ice Cream Socials family slumber party.
Tuesday, May 22 Stargaze. Invite friends and make a party of it.
Last day of preschool for Adventures in Learning
Wednesday, May 23 Have a puzzle race. Use 100-piece puzzles and see who
Last day of preschool for ABC Explorers AM & PM finishes first.
Thursday, May 24 Make good use of nearby parks.
Graduation for ABC Explorer AM & PM only
Pack a picnic and plop down to eat it just about
anywhere, in a state park or in your own backyard.
Weekly Themes Take an early morning bird walk.
Grow vegetables, herbs or flowers.
May 7 - 11
Water Safety Let the kids help prepare dinner.
Letter of the Week: Y, y Decorate the sidewalk with chalk.
May 14 - 18
Let’s All Go to the Zoo Visit a local farmers’ market.
Letter of the Week: Z, z Erect a bird feeder to watch from your window.
May 21 - 23
Teach Your Friend a Game Make fresh lemonade.
Bring in a board game, puzzle, etc. Create a treasure hunt.
String beads together to make jewelry.
Spirit / Show & Tell Join a summer reading club at your local library.
(held on Wednesdays and Thursdays) Watch the F16s and F35s fly out of Luke AFB.
May 9 and 10 Use your creativity to design your own pizza.
Bring in your floaties to determine if they are U.S. Coast
Guard approved Put on a play for family and/or friends.
Go to a nearby museum that you have not visited.
May 16 and 17
Bring your lunch in a brown paper bag with your name on Learn how to swim. If you know how to swim, go
it! swimming.
Teacher’s Corner Build a fort.
Blow bubbles.
I enjoyed this year so very much Make homemade ice cream.
and I wish you all, the very best of luck! Break out the family movies (and the popcorn too)!
Best wishes to you next year my friends,
there’s a new beginning after every end!
So with happy memories I’ll say, “See you soon”
with great hope and expectations Contact Information
for what next year holds in store for you!
Your Proud Teacher, Ms. Seye White
Litchfield Park Preschool
100 S. Old Litchfield Road
Ms. Seye
Litchfield Park Arizona
“A child is not a vessel to be filled, but a lamp to be lit”. Have a wonderful
summer! We hope to see all of our Adventures in Learning students back 623-935-9040
next year! Take a look at the Summer Home Activities.