Page 2 - Preschool Newsletter December 2018
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Important Dates                                            Teacher’s Corner

     Wednesday, December 5                                      EARLY CHILDHOOD SCIENCE
         Parent Appreciation Art Walk                           Why should science be a part of the Early Childhood
     Friday, December 7                                         Education Curriculum?  At the preschool age, educators are
         Last day for non-perishable food donations             building a foundation for future learning and scientific
                                                                understanding. The preschool child is naturally curious. There
     Thursday, December 13 & Friday, December 14                is nothing that you need to do to promote their wonder and
         Holiday Gift Exchange gifts are due                    fascination of the world. Their curiosity makes this the perfect
     Saturday, December 15                                      time to answer questions and help them create an
         January, 2019 tuition due                              understanding of how the world works.

     Thursday, December 20 & Friday, December 21                “Scientific knowledge is cumulative: To learn new things, you
         Holiday Party and Gift Exchange                        must build on what you already know. So it’s important that
     Monday, December 24 – Friday, January 4, 2018              your child start learning early”   U.S. Department of Education
          Winter Break, No School

     Weekly Themes                                              New Curriculum!

                                                                PRESCHOOL SCIENCE
     December 3 - 7
        Arctic Friends                                                                    Litchfield Park Preschool’s “Mr.
        Letter of the week: H, h                                                          John, The Science Mon” will
                                                                                          introduce two science projects to
     December 10 - 14                                                                     each class every month.
        Germs, Germs, Germs “Oh My”
        Letter of the week: I, i                                                          Teaching through hands-on
                                                                                          experience, Mr. John will
     December 17 - December 21                                                            choose cause and effect science
        Family Traditions                                                                 activities that are age
        Letter of the week: J, j                                                          appropriate and conceptually
                                                                                          connected. Preschoolers will
     December 24 - January 4, 2019                                                        observe and predict during the
        Winter Break                                                                      learning process.
        Homework packets for review of letters A-J will be sent
                                                                Mr. John will make science fun while nurturing Litchfield Park
                                                                Preschool students’ interest in the world!
     Spirit / Show & Tell                                       DECEMBER SCIENCE ACTIVITIES

                                                                   Monday, December 10 & Tuesday, December 11
     December 5 and 6                                              Bottle Wave experiment! Preschoolers will discover how
        Bring in Your Favorite Stuffed Animal                      and why water behaves using castor oil, water and food
     December 12 and 13                                            Monday, December 17 & Tuesday, December 18
        Students Choice                                         
                                                                   Will it Float? Will it Sink? Sink or Float experiment!
     December 19 and 20                                            Students will be introduced to the concepts of sinking and
        No Show & Tell                                             floating.

     December 27 and 28                                         INTRODUCTION TO SPANISH
        Winter Break, no Show & Tell                            UNO, DOS, TRES!
                                                                Starting January 2019 we will begin learning Spanish using
     Contact Information                                        pictures, imitations and repetition.
                                                                The benefits of learning a second language in preschool are
                                                                numerous, and positively impact children's present and future
     Ms. Seye White                                             academic and professional lives. Second language acquisition
     Litchfield Park Preschool                                  is tightly linked to increased performance in areas of social
     100 S Old Litchfield Rd.                                   and academic development such as verbal communication,
     Litchfield Park Arizona                                    mathematical development and reasoning skills. It is also
     623-935-9040                                               linked to increasing young children's cultural awareness and                                 understanding of differences.
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