Page 2 - Preschool Newsletter November 2018
P. 2

Important Dates                                            Teacher’s Corner

     Thursday, November 8 & Friday, November 9                  As the year progresses, relationships and friendships are
        Jungle Jill Animal Encounters Class Visits              growing! As a teacher, I continue to discover and enjoy your
     Monday, November 12                                        child’s unique personality and talents.
        Veterans Day, No School
                                                                Every other Thursday/Friday the preschool distributes student
     Tuesday, November 13
        Holiday Food Drive Kickoff                              homework packets. The purpose of the work is to review and
                                                                emphasize our weekly theme. Please take the time to
     Thursday, November 15                                      complete the homework packets with your child to reinforce
          December Tuition Due
                                                                the weekly concepts.
     Friday, November 16
        Picture Day!                                            In observance of the Thanksgiving holiday, our classes will
     Wednesday, November 21 - Friday, November 23               not meet on Wednesday, November 21 through Friday,
        Thanksgiving Break                                      November 23. Take the time to make a cereal turkey with
                                                                your child (instructions below) or to have an interesting
     Monday, November 26
        Classes Resume                                          Thanksgiving discussion with your preschooler about your
                                                                family’s traditions. Happy Thanksgiving!
     Weekly Themes                                              Cereal Turkey

     November 5-9                                                                              Supplies:
        Fall Harvest
        Letter of the week: E, e                                                               - Paper
                                                                                               - Crayons or markers
     November 13-16                                                                            - Glue
        Letter of the week: F, f                                                               - Cereal
     November 19-20                                                                            Draw the outline of a turkey
        Giving Thanks                                                                          (may use your hand as a
        Letter of the week: G, g                                                               guide). Color the turkey.
     November 26–30                                                                            Glue  your
        Winter Wonderland                                                                      child's favorite cereal in the
        Letter of the week: Review “A-G”                                                       stomach of the turkey.

     Spirit / Show & Tell                                       Albuquerque Turkey

     November 7 and 8                                           (sung to the tune of "My Darling Clementine")
        Bring in an item that dates from before you were born.   Albuquerque is a turkey
     November 14 and 15                                         And he's feathered and he's fine
        Bring in a picture of your pet or a pet you wish to have.   And he wobbles and he gobbles
                                                                and he's absolutely mine.
     November 21 and 22                                         He's the best pet you can get yet,
        No Show & Tell (Thanksgiving Break)
                                                                Better than a dog or cat.
     November 28 and 29                                         He's my Albuquerque turkey
        Bring in your gloves, scarf and jacket, to participate in a
        classroom “snowball” (dodgeball) game.                  And I'm awfully proud of that.
                                                                He once told me, very frankly
     Contact Information                                        he preferred to be my pet,
                                                                not the main course at my dinner,
                                                                and I told him not to fret.
      Ms. Seye White                                            And my Albuquerque turkey
      Litchfield Park Preschool                                 is so happy in his bed,
      100 S Old Litchfield Rd.                                  'Cause for our Thanksgiving dinner,
      Litchfield Park Arizona                                   We had CEREAL instead!
      623-935-9040                                Source:
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