Page 2 - Preschool Newsletter January 2019
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Important Dates                                           Why Art?

     Monday, January 7 and Tuesday, January 8                  Art helps preschoolers develop mentally, socially and
        ABC AM and AIL school supplies due                     emotionally. Creating art may boost young children's ability to
                                                               analyze and problem-solve in myriad ways, according to Mary
     Friday, January 11                                        Ann F. Kohl, author of Primary Art: It's the Process, Not the
        Last day for JOY to SOCKS Drive sock donations
                                                               Product. As kids manipulate a paintbrush, their fine motor
     Tuesday, January 15                                       skills improve. By counting pieces and colors, they learn the
        February, 2019 tuition is due                          basics of math. When children experiment with materials, they
                                                               dabble in science. Most important perhaps, when kids feel
     Wednesday, January 16 and Thursday, January 17
        Goodyear Fire Dept. Firefighter & Fire Truck Demo      good while they are creating, art helps boost self-confidence.
                                                               And children who feel able to experiment and to make
     Friday, January 18                                        mistakes feel free to invent new ways of thinking, which
        Teacher in Service, No School                          extends well beyond the classroom.

     Monday, January 21                                        Source:
        Martin Luther King Jr. Day, No School
     Weekly Themes                                             Art Curriculum

     January 7-11                                              ART EXPLORATION
        Dental Health                                          Art plays an important
        Letter of the week: K, k
                                                               role in the learning
     January 14-18                                             process and it’s a fun
        Five Senses                                            way for students to learn
        Letter of the week: L, l                               and explore. Art creation
                                                               encourages students to
     January 22-25                                             express their feelings
        Art Appreciation                                       and ideas while gaining
        Letter of the week: M, m
                                                               fine muscle control and
     January 28-February 1                                     strengthening  eye-hand
        Love Your Pet                                          coordination. Students
        Letter of the week: N, n                               learn how to control
                                                               paint, crayons, scissors,
     Spirit / Show & Tell                                      and a variety of art

                                                               Art exploration helps
     January 9 and 10                                          children with perceptual
        Collage of healthy teeth and pretty smiles.            abilities including an

     January 16 and 17                                         awareness of colors,
        Something you can do! Students will show the class     shapes, forms, lines,
        something they know how to do, such as sing, tell a joke, a   and textures while learning control and making individual
        dance routine, cheer, etc.                             choices and decisions. It also encourages children to share
                                                               their ideas and understand that other people have different
     January 23 and 24                                         ideas. It teaches them to listen, follow directions and complete
       Post your preschooler’s art on our Facebook page.       a project in the proper sequence.

     January 30 and January 31                                 Ms. Rita loves teaching art to children, “I enjoy seeing the
       Pajama Party! Wear your favorite winter pajamas and bring   excitement in their faces when they show me what they’ve
        a snuggly stuffed animal.                              made. We display art in the classroom and it’s fun to see the
                                                               students show their friends what they’ve created, compare their
     Contact Information                                       own ideas on the project and watch how proud they are of their
                                                               own accomplishment.”

      Ms. Seye White                                           To date the Preschool’s art exploration has been focused on
      Litchfield Park Preschool                                the letter of the week art projects, reinforcing the learning of the
      100 S Old Litchfield Rd.                                 letter. Students have been learning the shape of letter, how to
      Litchfield Park Arizona                                  write it and the phonetics while relating the letter to an object.

      623-935-9040                                             The 2019 art curriculum includes the introduction of both                               structured art and processed art projects.
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