Page 2 - Litchfield Park Recreation Center 2019-20 Activity Guide 10-22-19
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2019 American Red Cross Summer Group Swim Lessons
Beginners Swimming: all lessons $36 resident; $43 non-resident TENNIS Preschool Program
Bubblers-Preschool Aquatics Intended for preschool age children who are being introduced to
water and are ready for the first stages of swimming. This class introduces basic aquatic skills: being Youth Tennis Lessons Preschool for children 3, 4, and 5 years of age
comfortable in the water, developing positive attitudes and effective habits to be safe in and around the Tennis lessons will focus on stroke Students that are enrolling in ABC Explorers must be 4 years
development including forehand, backhand,
water, blowing bubbles, back floats, front and back glides, learning good kicks, and arm movements. Ages 3 to 6 of age on September 1, 2019. Adventures in Learning
Water Exploration-introduces basic aquatic skills: being comfortable in the water, developing positive attitudes and effective serve, volley, and overhead through rally play, students must be 3 or 4 years of age on September 1, 2019
habits to be safe in and around the water, blowing bubbles, back floats, front and back glides, learning good kicks, and arm and live ball drills. Hand-eye coordination, but not turn 5 before January 1, 2020.
movements. Ages 7 to 13 footwork, teamwork, cooperation,
Puffers-Level 1 objective is to have participants find success in the fundamental skills. Participants will learn to glide, float, and scorekeeping, and rules will also be Overview
recover to a vertical position on front and back without assistance. Participants will also further develop simultaneous arm and leg incorporated. Our preschool program provides many opportunities for
children to discover and learn while exploring the world
Note: In case of rain, Coach Amanda will
actions on front and back, and foundation for future strokes will be established. Ages 3 to 8 around them. We offer a progressive theme-based curriculum
Floaters-Level 2 expands and increases proficiency in previous skills learned. Participants will continue to work on basic skills notify all participants of the makeup class
learned and progress to glide and float without support and recover to a vertical position. They will also further develop day. Classes held at the Litchfield Park including story time, art, creative social play, music/
movement, small and large motor skills as well as alpha
Recreation Center tennis courts
simultaneous and alternating arm and leg actions on the front and back, laying the foundation for future strokes. Ages 4 to 8 numeric concepts in a sensitive and safe learning
2Strokers-Level 3 learn and practice survival floating and learn to swim front crawl and elementary backstroke at rudimentary R=Resident NR=Non-resident
proficiency levels. Participants will be introduced to scissors and dolphin kicks, learn rules for headfirst entries and begin to learn to environment. Our preschool program offers low student to
teacher ratios so that each child will have the opportunity for
enter the water headfirst from a seated position. Ages 5 to 10 Barcode Days Start End Time Ages Fees individual attention. We conveniently offer morning and
Advanced Swimming (Swimmers & Racers) is held in 9-12 ft. deep end of the pool 6871 W/F 8/14 8/30 6-7pm 4-7 $57R/$70NR afternoon classes. Classes start the first week of August
Swimmers-Level 4 will improve and increase their endurance by swimming already learned strokes such as: front crawl and 2019 and are ongoing through May 2019.
elementary backstroke for longer distances. Participants will also continue learning back crawl, breaststroke, butterfly, sidestroke, 6873 W/F 8/14 8/30 7-8pm 8-11 $57R/$70NR
and how to complete an open turn. Ages 7 to 14 6872 W/F 8/14 8/30 8-9pm 12-15 $57R/$70NR
Racers-Levels 5 & 6 will refine their performance for all strokes (back crawl, breaststroke, butterfly, elementary backstroke, front All new enrollees will be expected to remit a 50% non-
crawl, and sidestroke) and increase endurance. Participants will also learn how to efficiently complete a front and back flip turn at 6874 W/F 9/4 9/20 6-7pm 4-7 $57R/$70NR refundable deposit toward the first month of tuition plus a non
the wall while swimming. Ages 7 to 14 6875 W/F 9/4 9/20 7-8pm 8-11 $57R/$70NR -refundable $40 one-time materials fee. Tuition is due by the
Lessons M-Th Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 6876 W/F 9/4 9/20 8-9pm 12-15 $57R/$70NR 15th of the month. If tuition remains unpaid on the 16th a
$15 late fee will be assessed. Online registration is not
*except on home swim June 3-13 June 17-27 July 8-18 July 22-August 1 available for this program. Enrollment approval of the
meet nights Bubblers 6989 Bubblers 7020 Bubblers 7051 Bubblers 7082 6877 W/F 10/2 10/18 6-7pm 4-7 $57R/$70NR preschool instructor is required. To reserve an August class,
Puffers 6990 Puffers 7021 Puffers 7052 Puffers 7083 6878 W/F 10/2 10/18 7-8pm 8-11 $57R/$70NR parents must remit 50% of the tuition fee plus the $40
10-10:30am Floaters 6991 Floaters 7022 Floaters 7053 Floaters 7084 6879 W/F 10/2 10/18 8-9pm 12-15 $57R/$70NR materials fee. All August 2019 balances are due by July
15, 2019.
Strokers 6992 Strokers 7023 Strokers 7054 Strokers 7085 6880 W/F 11/6 11/22 6-7pm 4-7 $57R/$70NR Class Sizes
10-10:45am Swimmers 6993 Swimmers 7024 Swimmers 7055 Swimmers 7086 6881 W/F 11/6 11/22 7-8pm 8-11 $57R/$70NR Adventures in Learning Maximum 19
ABC Explorers Maximum 19
Bubblers 6994 Bubblers 7025 Bubblers 7056 Bubblers 7087 6882 W/F 11/6 11/22 8-9pm 12-15 $57R/$70NR
Puffers 6995 Puffers 7026 Puffers 7057 Puffers 7088 6883 W/F 12/4 12/20 6-7pm 4-7 $57R/$70NR Adventures in Learning for 3 and 4 years of age
10:35-11:05am Floaters 6996 Floaters 7027 Floaters 7058 Floaters 7089 The children will learn through activity exploration. They will
6884 W/F 12/4 12/20 7-8pm 8-11 $57R/$70NR increase fine and gross motor skills, develop positive feelings,
Strokers 6997 Strokers 7028 Strokers 7059 Strokers 7090 and establish new friendships. This program is an opportunity
6885 W/F 12/4 12/20 8-9pm 12-15 $57R/$70NR for your child to grow socially, emotionally, physically, and
Water Exploration 6998 Water Exploration 7029 Water Exploration 7060 Water Exploration 7091 cognitively while learning new and interesting
10:50am-11:35am Racers 6999 Racers 7030 Racers 7061 Racers 7092 2020 concepts in their “first” learning environment.
Bubblers 7000 Bubblers 7031 Bubblers 7062 Bubblers 7093 7154 W/F 1/15 1/31 6-7pm 4-7 $57R/$70NR R=Resident; NR=Non-resident
Puffers 7001 Puffers 7032 Puffers 7063 Puffers 7094 7155 W/F 1/15 1/31 7-8pm 8-11 $57R/$70NR AM CLASS
11:10-11:40am TIME 8:00am-11:00am
Floaters 7002 Floaters 7033 Floaters 7064 Floaters 7095
7156 W/F 1/15 1/31 8-9pm 12-15 $57R/$70NR DAYS Tuesday and Thursday
Strokers 7003 Strokers 7034 Strokers 7065 Strokers 7096 FEES $146R; $183NR
7157 W/F 2/5 2/21 6-7pm 4-7 $57R/$70NR
Bubblers 7004* Bubblers 7035* Bubblers 7066* Bubblers 7097 CLASS FEES $40 one-time materials fee
7158 W/F 2/5 2/21 7-8pm 8-11 $57R/$70NR FIRST DAY Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Puffers 7005* Puffers 7036* Puffers 7067* Puffers 7098
7159 W/F 2/5 2/21 8-9pm 12-15 $57R/$70NR ABC Explorers for 4 and 5 years of age
5:00-5:30pm Floaters 7006* Floaters 7037* Floaters 7068* Floaters 7099
7160 W/F 3/4 3/20 6-7pm 4-7 $57R/$70NR The children will develop fine and gross motor
Strokers 7007* Strokers 7038* Strokers 7069* Strokers 7100 skills, we will focus on introducing levels of
Water Exploration 7008* Water Exploration 7039* Water Exploration 7070* Water Exploration 7101 7161 W/F 3/4 3/20 7-8pm 8-11 $57R/$70NR Phonemic awareness, numbers, science, art,
5:00-5:45pm Swimmers 7009* Swimmers 7040* Swimmers 7071* Swimmers 7102 7162 W/F 3/4 3/20 8-9pm 12-15 $57R/$70NR writing, music, creative movement, and the
alphabet. R=Resident; NR=Non-resident
Bubblers 7010* Bubblers 7041* Bubblers 7072* Bubblers 7103 7163 W/F 4/1 4/17 6-7pm 4-7 $57R/$70NR
Puffers 7011* Puffers 7042* Puffers 7073* Puffers 7104 7164 W/F 4/1 4/17 7-8pm 8-11 $57R/$70NR TIME 8:00am-11:00am
5:35-6:05pm DAYS Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Floaters 7012* Floaters 7043* Floaters 7074* Floaters 7105 7165 W/F 4/1 4/17 8-9pm 12-15 $57R/$70NR FEES $180R; $225NR
Strokers 7013* Strokers 7044* Strokers 7075* Strokers 7106 7166 W/F 5/6 5/22 6-7pm 4-7 $57R/$70NR CLASS FEES $40 one-time materials fee
5:50-6:35pm Racers 7014* Racers 7045* Racers 7076* Racers 7107 FIRST DAY Monday, August 5, 2019
7167 W/F 5/6 5/22 7-8pm 8-11 $57R/$70NR
Bubblers 7015* Bubblers 7046* Bubblers 7077* Bubblers 7108 PM CLASS
7168 W/F 5/6 5/22 8-9pm 12-15 $57R/$70NR
Puffers 7016* Puffers 7047* Puffers 7078* Puffers 7109 TIME 11:45am-2:45pm
7169 T/TH 6/2 6/25 7-8am 4-7 $74/$91 DAYS Monday, Wednesday and Friday
6:10-6:40pm Floaters 7017* Floaters 7048* Floaters 7079* Floaters 7110
7170 T/TH 6/2 6/25 8-9am 8-11 $74/$91 FEES $180R; $225NR
Strokers 7018* Strokers 7049* Strokers 7080* Strokers 7111 CLASS FEES $40 one-time materials fee
7171 T/TH 6/2 6/25 9-10am 12-15 $74/$91 FIRST DAY Monday, August 5, 2019
Water Exploration 7019* Water Exploration 7050* Water Exploration 7081* Water Exploration 7112
2 623-935-9040 Register online at 11