Page 11 - March 2015 P&H Newsletter
P. 11
Collecting Those American showman P.T. Barnum Sales &
was a man who knew a little Marketing
S “Attaboys” something about the power of
ometimes it’s tough to social proof, and his evergreen ad- 70%
remember that we’re prob- vice stands as a lesson that every
ably a lot better than we business owner needs to learn: of Americans say they look
think we are, especially if at product testimonials and
we have a customer that is not Your customers will always
especially happy with us at the be more persuasive than you. reviews before making a
moment. purchase.
But the impact that can be cre- No matter how compelling you
ated for our company by sharing make your copy or how beauti- From: Caster Concepts
in an appropriate manner the nice fully you design your product, Website
things that customers say to us customer reviews will still play a
when they are happy with us is pivotal role in enticing people to “What the casters did for our prod-
really pretty extraordinary. give your business a chance. uct was amazing. We now have
So, I need those “attaboys”, please! Potential customers want the hon- one first class caster on our product
Please forward any nice com- est scoop on your business, and that is second to none. Our product
ments, compliments, positive when evaluating you they heavily holds aircraft engines that run in
feedback, whether it was for your favor the opinion of the crowd.
the millions of dollars and the dura-
personal work or regarding the bility of the caster is very important.
company in general. We look forward to a very long
In marketing speak, we call these relationship with Caster Concepts
things “customer testimonials”. due to the extra mile taken to help
I promise that I will not name our company and the top quality of
names, nor will I be revealing the the product.
identities of the customers that “Once again, thanks for such an
took the time to say “way to go outstanding job.”
P&H!” Doug Winter, NextGen Aero Support
I’ve included some COMPELLING
DATA to see if I can convince
everyone how important custom-
er testimonials are!

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