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 PA RKING R E A S S I G N M E N T S:  L OS T         P  E  R    M  I   T  S  :
         Vehicles found without the appropriate receipt of payment or registered permits are subject
 In cases of extreme weather conditions or private University events, assigned parking
 locations may be temporarily reassigned to a di erent facility.   to citations and enforcement procedures. The replacement fee for lost/misplaced parking
         permits is $20.
 The reassignment plan for extreme weather conditions are as follows:
 15th Street lot and Temple Towers Lot parkers utilize the Liacouras Garage Norris Street Lot,
 Tyler Lot and Diamond Street Lot Parkers utilize the Montgomery Garage.
         Parking Services requires at least one month cancellation notice for all monthly and semester
 Email notifications will be sent out to notify parkers of all parking reassignments.
         students. For payroll employees, pro-rated refunds will be processed on the day the permit is
         returned. If you have Flex parking, you can cancel your parking at any time.
 T I M E L I M I T S:

 All parkers who enter their respective facility prior to or after their allotted time schedule will be
         C I   T A T I O N S :
 subject to the daily/hourly rate.
         An appeal of a citation must be submitted within seven days. You can appeal your citation on
         your   TU Parking Account, by   filling out our digital form and emailing to,
 L I A B ILITY:  or by visiting the  Montgomery  Garage  Office  of  Parking  Services.
 Anyone using a parking area assumes all risk of accident and expressly agrees that Temple University
         LATE FEES
 shall not be liable, under any circumstances, for injury to person or loss of or damage to property.   DAYS LATE  15   30  45
         ADDITIONAL FEE            $10.00                $10.00                 $15.00
         TOTAL ADDITIONAL FEES     $10.00                $20.00                $35.00
          We recommend that you pay your citation as early as possible so that  you do not receive
 Online purchases can be made with all major credit cards. O ce of Parking Services locations accept  any late fees. The cost of the citation will be refunded if the citation is dismissed.
 cash, checks (payable to Temple University), all major credit cards and Diamond Dollars.
          V I O L A T I O N  TY P E   :
          Blocking gates/exit lanes      $75       Parking in HP space without state placard  $100
 TU PA R K I N G ACCOU N T:  Display of lost or stolen hangtag  $75  Parking in loading zone  $40
          Excessive speeding             $25       Parking on sidewalk            $35
 You can purchase parking, add funds to your Flex Parking Account, and appeal or pay citations through   Expired permit  $25  Parking outside of stall   $20
          Fraudulent registration        $75       Permit not displayed           $25
 your “TU Parking Account”. Visit and click on a “TU Parking Account” link. Once   Parking in fire zone/no parking zone   $50  Unauthorized parking  $25
 on the login page, use your TU Accessnet Username and Password to login to your account. Visit our

 YouTube channel “Temple Parking Services” to watch step-by-step tutorials on how to purchase   In cases where a vehicle is temporarily inoperable, a  temporary parking
 parking and add funds to your account.  permit may be obtained at no charge from the Office of Parking Services.

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