Page 3 - Hazy Library Brochure
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6. Searchinternally!Tryoutwhat’savailableinScholarlyCommons,our institutional digital repository for academic work by ERAU faculty, students and staff. A student recently struck research gold using this resource to find information about low cost airlines!
7. Donotpayforarticles.WecangetwhatyouneedwithInterlibraryLoan!If you find the perfect article or book chapter but can’t access it through our databases, just fill out this request form and our Interlibrary Loan specialist Leanne Harworth will use her magic and email you a copy directly.
8. Alongwithfull-textscholarlyarticles,thousandsofeBooksareaccessible 24/7. Use tools like “search within this book” to find keywords or phrases that relate to your research topic. Browse our eBook collections here (we recommend eBook Central).
9. Learn a new language! Access Mango Languages from our databases page and sign up for free. Download the app to learn over 60 languages, including English, on the go!
10.This isn’t just about academics. If your life or work feels upended, check out this Home and Wellness Resources Guide. New resources are added as our librarians discover them, including live stream and recorded work-out videos, virtual tours, cooking tutorials, activities for parents with school-aged kids, and community support.
We are here to support you in whatever you need, wherever you are, all year round.