Page 3 - IM Properties Capability
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                             over 25 years of successful D&B contracting

                                 projected £60m for 2021/22. Strong, professional management team with wealth of experience  portal frame market  £25m  ISO 9001 (QA) and 14001 (EMS) accreditation 2015 (UKAS approved) In the process of gaining certification by Planet Mark -

                             Incorporated in 1994 –  Turnover - Owned by management  Commercial/industrial – Contract values range from £2m -  Strong balance sheet  Healthy cash balances  No debt  Strong IT and back-office systems

                          Company:  •  •  •  •   Sector coverage:  •  •  Finances:  •  •  Key Points  •  Systems:  •  •  •
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