Page 14 - 2021 Gray Solutions Benefits Guide
P. 14
Quick Contact Details:
Your Health Phone: 888-650-4047
2021 Rates
High Deductible Plan Single $135* $110*
Employee + Spouse $350** $300**
Employee + Child(ren) $340** $290**
Family $365** $315**
*$100 is deposited into an HSA, **$200 is deposited into an HSA
PPO 2250 Single $165 $140
Employee + Spouse $415 $365
Employee + Child(ren) $350 $300
Family $550 $500
How does the high deductible Team members with single coverage receive
plan work? a $25 monthly discount on premiums, while
those covering additional family members
The High Deductible Health Plan gives you receive a $50 monthly discount. To take
more control and accountability over how you advantage of this, you must complete the
use your benefits and spend your healthcare required certification in BenSelect during
dollars. With this plan: enrollment.
• Your premiums are lower Does Gray offer any other incentives?
• Your deductible is higher
• Once you meet your deductible, Gray is pleased to offer a $50 monthly credit
covered services are paid at 100% to team members with a spouse who is not
enrolled in one of our medical plans and has
other coverage. Simply provide proof of your
Does Gray offer a non-tobacco spouse’s insurance to the Benefits team and
user incentive? your credit will begin the following month.
Yes! Our non-tobacco user incentive allows
team members participating in Gray’s
healthcare plan to save on medical premiums.
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