Page 41 - 2021_Gray West_Benefits_Guide_Final
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Quick Contact Details:
            Legal Notices                                                  Gray’s Benefits team in the
                                                                           Human Resources department

            Required                                                                         Login to your BenSelect account
            Legal Notices

            To ensure you have easy access to important information pertaining
            to your benefits, we’ve conveniently stored all supporting legal notices
            and additional materials in Gray’s online benefits portal, BenSelect.

            Where can I find additional information
            on my benefits?

            All legal notices and supplemental materials on Gray benefits
            are accessible in Gray’s online benefits portal, BenSelect.

            Here’s how to access all additional information in BenSelect:

            1.  Type the following URL into any compatible browser window:

            2.  Enter your username and password.
            3.  Select the clipboard icon in the top right-hand corner
               of the screen to navigate to the forms library.

            4.  The 2021 Legal Notices and other plan-related documents can be
               found here and accessed at any time throughout the year.

            See an example of where to find Legal Notices in the BenSelect portal on page 41.
            For instructions on how to login or set up your BenSelect account, see page 10.

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