Page 7 - 2021 Willett Engineering Benefits Guide
P. 7

Welcome to Gray

            This guide offers a snapshot of

            the benefits available to you as a

            member of the Gray Family. Please

            review it carefully to determine which

            plans are right for you and your

            family, and don’t be afraid to ask


            A few quick reminders:

              • Your benefits will take effect the   • Information on your benefit
                first day of the month, or the        plans can be accessed anytime
                first day of the following month,     through our online benefits
                depending on your date of hire.       portal, BenSelect. Learn how
                For example, if you are hired April 1,   to log-on to BenSelect and enroll
                your benefits take effect immediately.   in your benefits on page 10.
                If you are hired after April 1, your
                benefits take effect May 1. Now is   • Living a healthy lifestyle can
                the time to review, evaluate and make   actually lower healthcare costs.
                your selections.                      Because Gray’s plan is self-insured,
                                                      medical claims are paid directly by
              • You have 30 days from your            Gray up to a certain level. Team
                eligibility date to make your         member premiums, combined
                selections. If you waive your benefits   with company contributions, are
                during your initial enrollment period,   used to fund the actual claims that
                you can only enroll during open       are paid by our plan administrator,
                enrollment for a January 1 effective   Anthem. In short, healthier
                date, or if you have an IRS Qualified   living impacts our healthcare
                Event.                                costs—which benefits us all!

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