P. 8

THE PRESENT PERFECT                               2ND YEAR ESO

             B. Present Perfect vs Past Simple

                        Past Simple                                         Present Perfect

                                                             Puts emphasis on the result    She has
       We use Past simple for actions in the
                                                             written five letters.
         past taking place one after the other.
                                                             Action that is still going on    School has
                                                             not started yet.
       Paul went home, sat on the sofa and
                                                             Action that stopped recently   She has
         watched TV all night.
                                                             cooked dinner.
                                                             Finished action that has an influence on
       We use Past simple for actions in the
                                                             the present   I have lost my key.
       past taking place in the middle of
                                                             Action that has taken place once, never or
       another action.
                                                             several times before the moment of

                                                             speaking    I have never been to Australia.
       I called Paul last night when he was

       watching TV.

                                                             We use time references that refer
         We use time references that refer to                to the time up to now, for
         the past, for example: yesterday, last              example: today, this week, this

         week, when I was at school.                         month, ever, never, already,
                                                             recently, yet etc.

          Let’s Practice

             1.  Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

       I (just / finish) ................................................................................ my homework.

       Mary (already / write)   ................................................................ five letters.

       Tom (move)   .................................................................... to this town in 1994.

       My friend (be) ............................................................................. in Canada two years ago.

       I (not / be) ..................................................................... to Canada so far.

       But I (already / travel) London a couple of times.

       Last week, Mary and Paul (go)

       .................................................................................................. to the cinema.
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