Page 11 - Module 5 - Key_Players_in_the_financial_game
P. 11
Module 5 – Understanding the game between the bulls and bears
finding and drawing support
Whenever you are looking for the latest levels of Support you start at the right of the chart where
the market is trading and work your way to the left. As you look for Support it will be like walking
down a set of stairs. You will be looking for lower lows. After you find the first low, the next low going
back must be lower.
You start from where the current market is at the right of the
chart and you move back from right to left finding lower lows
It is like walking down a set of stairs
support and resistance vs supply and demand
What is the difference between supply and demand and support and resistance levels? This is a
common question for those novice traders who have not been exposed to the institutional style of