Page 14 - Module 4 - Trading_Ways_and_Means
P. 14

Module 4 - Lesson 3 Indicators for fundamental analysis

                      It’s calculated by dividing the current dollar GDP figure by the constant dollar GDP figure. Both the
                      GNP and  GDP implicit  deflators  are  released  quarterly,  along  with  the  respective  GNP  and  GDP
                      figures. The implicit deflators are generally regarded as the most significant measure of inflation.

                      Commodity research bureau's (CRB) futures index
                      The Commodity Research Bureau's Futures Index makes watching for inflationary trends easier. The
                      CRB Index consists of the equally weighted futures prices of 21 commodities. The components of the
                      CRB Index are:

                          ▪   Precious metals: gold, silver and platinum
                          ▪   Industrials: crude oil, heating oil, unleaded gas, lumber, copper, and cotton
                          ▪   Grains: corn, wheat, soybeans, soy meal, soy oil
                          ▪   Livestock and meat: cattle, hogs, and pork bellies
                          ▪   Imports: coffee, cocoa, sugar
                          ▪   Miscellaneous: orange juice

                      The  preponderance  of  food  commodities  makes  the  CRB  Index  less  reliable  in  terms  of  general
                      inflation. Nevertheless, the index is a popular tool that has proved quite reliable since the late 1980s.

                      The “Journal of Commerc” industrial price index (JoC)
                      Consists  of  the  prices  of  18  industrial  materials  and  supplies  processed  in  the  initial  stages  of
                      manufacturing, building, and energy production. It is more sensitive than other indexes, as it was
                      designed to signal changes in inflation prior to the other price indexes.

                      Balance of Payments

                      Merchandise trade balance

                      It’s one of the most important economic indicators. Its value may trigger long-lasting changes in
                      monetary and foreign policies. The trade balance consists of the net difference between the exports
                      and imports of a certain economy.

                      The data includes six categories:
                      1. Food
                      2. Raw materials and industrial supplies
                      3. Consumer goods
                      4. Autos
                      5. Capital goods
                      6. Other merchandise.
                      A separate indicator that belongs to that group is the “US – Japan Merchandise Trade Balance”.

               4.      Employment Indicators
                      The  employment  rate  is  an  economic  indicator  with  significance  in  multiple  areas.  The  rate  of
                      employment,  naturally,  measures  the  soundness  of  an  economy.  The  unemployment  rate  is  a
                      lagging economic indicator.  It is an important feature to remember, especially in times of economic
                      recession. Whereas people focus on the health and recovery of the job sector, employment is the
                      last economic indicator to rebound.

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