Page 6 - Module 1 History of wall street
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1847 map showing the street layout and ferry routes
                                                                                     for lower Manhattan

                                    Regulation                                                                                        21  Century

        September  1929  was  the  peak  of  the   1975 the Securities & Exchange Commission   more  affordable  locations.  The  recession   In 2001 the Big Board, as some termed the   $5000 to $8000 apiece on bollards:  recklessly,  the  banks  didn’t  look  at  these
        market.October  3,  1929  was  when  the   threw out the NYSE’s “Rule 394” which had   of 1990–91 was marked by office vacancy   NYSE, was described as the world’s “largest   To prevent a vehicle-delivered bomb from   loans adequately, relying on flawed credit-
        market  started  to  slip,  and  it  continued   required that “most stock transactions take   rates  downtown  which  were  “persistently   and  most  prestigious  stock  market”.  entering the area, Rogers Marvel designed   rating agencies such as Standard & Poor’s
        throughout the week of the 14th.In October   place  on  the  Big  Board’s  floor”,  in  effect   high”  and  with  some  buildings  “standing   But  when  the  World  Trade  Center  was   a new kind  of bollard, a faceted piece of   and Moody’s, which blithely certified toxic
        1929,  renowned  Yale  economist  Irving   freeing up trading for electronic methods.   empty”.The  day  of  the  drop,  October  20,   destroyed  on  September  11,  2001,  it  left   sculpture  whose  broad,  slanting  surfaces   mortgage-backed securities as solid. A few
        Fisher  reassured worried investors that   In 1976, banks were allowed to buy and sell   was marked by “stony-faced traders whose   an architectural void as new developments   offer  people  a  place  to  sit  in  contrast  to   of those on Wall Street, including maverick
        their  “money  was  safe”  on  Wall  Street.  A   stocks,  which  provided  more  competition   sense  of humor had  abandoned them   since the 1970s had played off the complex   the  typical  bollard,  which  is  supremely   hedge fund manager John Paulson and the
        few days later, on October 24,stock values   for  stockbrokers.Reforms  had  the  effect   and  in  the  exhaustion  of  stock  exchange   aesthetically.  The  attacks  “crippled”  the   unsittable. The bollard, which is called the   top brass at Goldman Sachs, spotted what
        plummeted.  The  stock  market  crash  of   of lowering prices overall, making it easier   employees  struggling  to  maintain  orderly   communications  network.  One  estimate   Nogo, looks a bit like one of Frank Gehry’s   was going  on  and  ruthlessly  gambled  on
        1929  ushered  in  the  Great  Depression  in   for more people to participate in the stock   trading”. Ironically, it was the same year that   was  that  45%  of  Wall  Street’s  “best   unorthodox culture palaces, but it is hardly   a crash. They made a fortune but turned
        which  a  quarter  of  working  people  were   market. Broker commissions for each stock   Oliver Stone’s movie Wall Street appeared.   office  space”  had  been  lost.The  physical   insensitive  to  its  surroundings.  Its  bronze   into the crisis’s pantomime villains. Most,
        unemployed,  with  soup  kitchens,  mass   sale lessened, but volume increased.  In 1995, city authorities offered the Lower   destruction was immense:         surfaces actually echo the grand doorways   though,  got  burned  –  the  banks  are  still
        foreclosures  of  farms,  and  falling  prices.   The  Reagan  years  were  marked  by  a   Manhattan Revitalization Plan which offered   Debris littered some streets of the financial   of  Wall  Street’s  temples  of  commerce.   gradually running down portfolios of non-
        During this era, development of the financial   renewed push for capitalism, business, with   incentives to convert commercial properties   district.  National  Guard  members  in   Pedestrians  easily  slip  through  groups  of   core loans worth $800bn. -- The Guardian
        district stagnated, and Wall Street “paid a   national  efforts  to  de-regulate  industries   to residential use.        camouflage uniforms manned checkpoints.   them as they make their way onto Wall   reporter Andrew Clark, 2010.
        heavy price” and “became something of a   such  as  telecommunications  and  aviation.   Construction  of  the  World  Trade  Center   Abandoned coffee carts, glazed with dust   Street from the area around historic Trinity
        backwater in American life”.          The economy resumed upward growth after   began  in  1966  but  had  trouble  attracting   from  the  collapse  of  the  World  Trade   Church. Cars, however, cannot pass. -- Blair
        During  the  New  Deal  years  as  well  as   a period in the early 1980s of languishing.   tenants  when  completed.  Nonetheless,   Center, lay on their sides across sidewalks.   Kamin in the Chicago Tribune, 2006
        the  1940s,  there  was  much  less  focus  on   A report in The New York Times described   some  substantial  firms  purchased  space   Most  subway  stations  were  closed,  most   Wall Street itself and the Financial District
        Wall  Street  and  finance.  The  government   that  the  flushness  of  money  and  growth   there. Its impressive height helped make it a   lights  were  still  off,  most  telephones  did   as  a  whole  are  crowded  with  highrises.
        clamped  down  on  the  practice  of  buying   during  these  years  had  spawned  a  drug   visual landmark for drivers and pedestrians.   not  work,  and  only  a  handful  of  people   Further, the loss of the World Trade Center
        equities  based  only  on  credit,  but  these   culture of sorts, with a rampant acceptance   In some respects, the nexus of the financial   walked in  the narrow canyons  of Wall   has spurred development on  a scale that
        policies  began  to  ease.  From  1946-1947,   of cocaine use although the overall percent   district moved from the street of Wall Street   Street  yesterday  morning.  --  Leslie  Eaton   had  not  been  seen  in  decades.  In  2006,
        stocks could not be purchased “on margin”,   of  actual  users  was  most  likely  small.  A   to  the  Trade  Center  complex.  Real  estate   and Kirk Johnson of the New York Times,   Goldman Sachs began building a tower near
        meaning that an investor had to pay 100%   reporter wrote:                   growth during the latter part of the 1990s   September 16, 2001.                   the former Trade Center site.Tax incentives
        of  a  stock’s  cost  without  taking  on  any   The Wall Street drug dealer looked like many   was significant, with deals and new projects   Still, the NYSE was determined to re-open   provided  by  federal,  state  and  local
        loans.  But  this  margin  requirement  was   other  successful  young  female  executives.   happening  in  the  financial  district  and   on September 17, almost a week after the   governments encouraged development. A
        reduced four times before 1960, each time   Stylishly  dressed  and wearing  designer   elsewhere in Manhattan; one firm invested   attack.[49]  During  this  time  Rockefeller   new World Trade Center complex centered
        stimulating a mini-rally and boosting volume,   sunglasses,  she  sat  in  her  1983  Chevrolet   more  than  $24  billion  in  various  projects,   Group Business Center opened additional   on Daniel Libeskind’s Memory Foundations
        and when the Federal Reserve reduced the   Camaro  in  a  no-parking  zone  across  the   many in the Wall Street area. In 1998, the   offices  at  48  Wall  Street.  The  attack   plan is under development, the centerpiece
        margin  requirements  from  90%  to  70%.   street from  the Marine Midland  Bank   NYSE  and  the  city  struck  a  $900  million   hastened  a  trend  towards  financial  firms   of which is the 1,776-foot (541 m) tall One
        These  changes  made  it  somewhat  easier   branch on lower Broadway. The customer in   deal  which  kept  the  NYSE  from  moving   moving  to  midtown  and  contributed to   World Trade Center that opened in 2014.
        for  investors  to  buy  stocks  on  credit.  The   the passenger seat looked like a successful   across the river to Jersey City; the deal was   the loss  of  business  on  Wall  Street, due   New residential buildings are sprouting up,
        growing  national  economy  and  prosperity   young  businessman.  But  as  the  dealer   described as the “largest in city history to   to  temporary-to-permanent  relocation  to   and  buildings  that  were  previously  office
        led  to  a  recovery  during  the  1960s,  with   slipped him a heat-sealed plastic envelope   prevent a corporation from leaving town”.   New  Jersey  and  further  decentralization   space  are  being  converted  to  residential
        some down years during the early 1970s in   of  cocaine  and  he  passed  her  cash,  the   A competitor to the NYSE, NASDAQ, moved   with  establishments  transferred  to  cities   units, also benefiting from tax incentives.
        the aftermath of the Vietnam War. Trading   transaction was being watched through the   its headquarters from Washington to New   like Chicago, Denver, and Boston.  A new Fulton Center is planned to improve
        volumes  climbed;  in  1967,  according  to   sunroof of her car by Federal drug agents   York.                           After September 11, the financial services   access.  In  2007,  the  Maharishi  Global
        Time  Magazine,  volume  hit  7.5  million   in a nearby building. And the customer —                                     industry went through a downturn with a   Financial  Capital  of  New  York  opened
        shares  a  day  which  caused  a  “traffic  jam”   an undercover agent himself -was learning                              sizable  drop  in  year-end  bonuses  of  $6.5   headquarters at 70 Broad Street near the
        of paper with “batteries of clerks” working   the ways, the wiles and the conventions of                                  billion,  according  to  one  estimate  from  a   NYSE, in an effort to seek investors.  But the
        overtime to “clear transactions and update   Wall Street’s drug subculture. -- Peter Kerr                                 state  comptroller’s  office.  Many  brokers   picture is too nuanced simply to dump all
        customer  accounts”.  In  1973  the  financial   in the New York Times, 1987. In 1987 the                                 are paid mostly through commission, and   the responsibility on financiers. Most Wall
        community posted a collective loss of $245   stock market plunged and, in the relatively                                  get a token annual salary which is dwarfed   Street banks didn’t actually go around the
        million, which spurred temporary help from   brief recession following, lower Manhattan                                   by the year-end bonus.                US hawking dodgy mortgages; they bought
        the  government.Reforms  were  instituted;   lost 100,000 jobs according to one estimate.                                 To guard against a vehicular bombing in the   and  packaged  loans  from  on-the-ground
        the  SEC  eliminated  fixed  commissions,   Since  telecommunications  costs  were                                        area,  authorities  built  concrete  barriers,   firms  such  as  Countrywide  Financial  and
        which  forced  “brokers  to  compete  freely   coming  down,  banks  and  brokerage  firms                                and found ways over time to make them   New Century Financial,  both of which hit
        with one another for investors’ business”. In   could  move away from  Wall  Street to                                    more  aesthetically  appealing  by  spending   a financial wall in the crisis. Foolishly and

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