Page 2 - Walls of Jerusalem FlipBook_Neat
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         his walk came about from my experience in Tasmania
         the previous year after I completed the Overland Track
    Tand fell in love with Tasmania. I wanted to return, so I
    approached Stan from Tasmania Hikes to put together for
    me a walk in the Walls of Jerusalem that I could promote
    through The Bush Club on our program.

    The positions quickly filled as there were only a limited
    number of positions available. The program we put together
    was fabulous because we wanted to experience an
    adventure of over night multiday walks without having to
    cary a full pack, this is where the guides come in.

    I was fortunate to be able to organise the walk back to back
    with another on Maria Island with a great gratitude to Stan
    and Senna for accommodating me at their home for 2 nights
    between the two walks. I must admit that they did put me to
    work though!

    To the right is a map showing the tracks and topography of
    the circuit with the places where we camped.
    I have put together this book as a souvenier of the splendid
    scenery, the people and the friendships made and somehow
    a way to transport us back to the alpine wilderness of                                                     Walls of Jerusalem Citcuit

    Bernie Hunt..

    The Walls of Jerusalem is situated on the western side of the extensive                 The Walls of Jerusalem National Park in Tasmania was
    central plateau of Tasmania, in approximately the centre of the island.                 proclaimed in 1981 and it is an alpine wilderness made up of
    Thousands of lakes formed by an ice cap during relatively recent glaciation             mountain tarns, lakes and dominant peaks. This part of Tasmania is
    cover the plateau and the features known as the Walls of Jerusalem are a                known as the Central Plateau. It has been formed by the process of
    series of higher, craggy hills. From a distance, these peaks seem to be the             uplifting and glaciation.
    dominent feature but once within the Walls, in fact, the major features are the         You’ll be amazed by the grandeur of the dolerite peaks, such as
    typically U-shaped glacial valleys and pretty lakes.
                                                                                            Mount Jerusalem and Solomons Throne as well as the serene
                                                                                            mountain tarns and the unique alpine vegetation.

    The name Walls of Jerusalem appears on plans by surveyor James Scott                    Wildlife  commonly      seen    includes   the   Bennett’s    Wallaby,
    dating back to 1849 and the biblical theme was taken up from the early days             Pademelon, Wombat and Brush tailed Possum and The short-
    for park features, including Ephraims Gate, Zions Gate, Herods Gate, Pool of            beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) is one of four living
    Bethesda, Pool of Siloam, Wailing Wall and The Temple.                                  species of echidna and the only member of the genus
                                                                                            Tachyglossus. It is covered in fur and spines and has a distinctive
                                                                                            snout and a specialized tongue, which it uses to catch its insect prey
                                                                                            at a great speed. Like the other extant monotremes, the short-
                                                                                            beaked echidna lays eggs; the monotremes are the only group of
                                                                                            mammals to do so.
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