Page 20 - ECLECTIC MARCH-2022 INSIDE PAGES_p2.indd
P. 20
imported coal used in blending, despite being low in REFERENCES
quantity. However, as per the data, there is no evidence to
support that the increasing overdues to gencos played a [1]
part in exacerbating the crisis. rejuvenation-evident-in-indicators-inflation-to-
The study also provides an insight into the movement html
of coal stock with despatch of coal from coal suppliers.
Under normal circumstances the relation is intuitive and [2]
positive, meaning that increased despatches from coal roots-of-economic-recovery-deepen-as-
suppliers lead to increase in coal stocks. However, during restrictions-ease/article36068068.ece
period of shock, the relationship reversed, implying that
the increase in despatch of coal lagged the depletion [3]
of stock. As the stock in coal decreased, coal supplier severe-is-india-coal-crisis-what-is-govt-doing-to-
increased despatches to ensure that a normative level of address-it-7570164/
coal stock was maintained. The reversal in the direction of
association of coal despatches and coal stock levels from [4]
approximately April 2020 marks a shock which ultimately general-news/no-coal-crisis-in-india-fm-nirmala-
led to the acute coal shortage that gripped the nation in sitharaman-dismisses-baseless-speculations.html
the months of September and October 2021.
However, the results of the study are to be interpreted india-coal-shortage-explained-7555184/
with caution. Since the period being studied is a period of
shock, it comes with a natural restriction on the number [6] https://w w
of data points in the sample and the models discussed in imports-by-power-units-slide-to-7-year-low/
the study are only directional. article37220187.ece

ACKNOWLEDGMENT [7] h t t p s : / / w w w. t h e h i n d u b u s i n e s s l i n e . c o m /
Authors thank the Corporate Services department for fall-43/article37872274.ece
their valuable inputs and suggestions in this matter.




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