Page 15 - Engelsk Jupiter okt 2020
P. 15

Befintlig eldstad

                                                                                                            Befintlig eldstad

 Adaptations                                                                               Bestaande open haard

 Karin and Jesper’s story

 We bought a house from 1972 which had a brick   We asked him if the fireplace insert would be able
 fireplace. We wanted to find out if anything could be   to emit heat when mounted in the fireplace cavity -
 done to the fireplace, as the previous owners had a   and the answer was a definite yes. The insert emits
 very high heating bill.  5-11 kW, corresponding to 50-132 m², which was
 what we needed.
 We talked to some of our friends, who recommended
 the local fireplace dealer from where they bought   He also recommended steel lining our chimney to
 their Meteor fireplace insert. Their experience had   get the best possible draft in the chimney and for
 been very good and they had felt well looked after   achieving optimum combustion – both when lighting
 throughout the entire process.  the fire and for general use of the fireplace insert.

 We went to the local fireplace dealer and told them   Now, our Meteor fireplace insert has been installed,
 about our wishes and needs. During our visit, we   and we’ve been using it for a few weeks. We must
 soon agreed that they would visit us to determine   admit that this is the best investment we’ve made
 which fireplace insert would meet our needs and   for a long time. We really enjoy the heat it emits
 wishes.  and the beautiful flames!

 The next day, he visited us and looked at the
 existing brick fireplace. He recommended a Jupiter
 550 XL with an adapted frame, which would fit   Nedan visas en Jupiter 550 XL, som är anpassad med 100 mm extra bredd.
 perfectly into the original fireplace cavity.
       Ramen kan anpassas på alla spisinsatser, med undantag för soft-modellerna.

       Below is a Jupiter 550 XL, which has been adapted by 100 mm in the width.
       Frame adaptations can be made for all fireplace inserts except the soft models.

           Nedan visas en Jupiter 550 XL, som är anpassad med 100 mm extra bredd.
           Ramen kan anpassas på alla spisinsatser, med undantag för soft-modellerna.

                                       50                     780                        50

                                                                                           Jupiter 550 XL adapted
 14                                                                                                             15
       Jupiter 550 XL anpassad                                                                                   16-17

           Jupiter 550 XL anpassad                                                                                                 16-17
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