Page 4 - Engelsk Jupiter okt 2020
P. 4

Welcome to Meteor                                                                                                      Meteor and quality

       Since 1981 Meteor has been supplying fireplace          The family value high quality and timeless design,             We recommend fitting a Meteor fireplace insert to       All Meteor fireplace inserts are built with sturdy
       inserts to many homes.                                  and these values have always been important to                 any existing open fireplaces. As many open fireplaces   round pipes at the top of the fire chamber. A much
                                                               Ole and Rene Povlsen. These values and traditions              do not emit much heat into the room. This way, the      larger heating surface and efficient utilization of the
       The inserts are constructed using the best principles,   still characterize the business.                              efficiency will be more than 80% in some models.        heat are thus achieved.
       which mean optimum convection and heat emission.
                                                               Today, Meteor has approximately 30 employees                   A Meteor fireplace insert is one of the top producers of   Meteor fireplace inserts can be adapted to fit almost
       Meteor was established by Ole Povlsen in 1981, and      engaged in the production of fireplace inserts, and            heat. This is achieved by means of the high-quality     any fireplace cavity.
       at the time the firm had 4 committed employees.         the firm produces more than 50% of fireplace inserts           inbuilt convection system.
                                                               sold in Denmark.
       Today, the firm is a small family-run-business with
       Ole’s son Rene Povlsen behind the driving force.

                                                                                                                                    Heated air out
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sturdy pipes, 4 mm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 thick, which heat up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the air

                                                                                                                                   Ash drawer

                                                                                                                                    Cold air in                                                                    Ash grate

       Jupiter 550  with fixed glass 2 sides

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