Page 14 - Live2Camp Magazine DecJan2017
P. 14
North Stradbroke Island
a southerly wind). There are
North Stradbroke Island is often camping spots literally everywhere
mentioned when people in the including at Amity Point,
South East corner of Queensland
get talking about family camping
trips and weekends away, and with
good reason!
Leaving from Cleveland, just East
of Brisbane and only a 45 minute
barge ride across Moreton Bay,
North Stradbroke Island has
everything you need to make a
week away enjoyable. It is a lot
more built out and civilised than
Moreton and Fraser Islands, which
means a lot of bitumen roads,
shops and even a few pubs if the
need arises.
North Stradbroke is the second
largest sand island in the world,
with Fraser Island being the only
one bigger. 38km long and 11km
wide, Straddie has plenty of room
for everyone and also being
remote enough to allow you to
escape the crowds of the cities
close by. Cylinder
Beach (best for surfers),
Home Beach, Flinders Beach,
Adams and Bradbury’s Beach and
There is a myriad of camping a favourite for the fisherman, Main
options on the island, from the Beach which offers basic beachside
caravan park on the west at camping all the way down the
Dunwich, to the spectacular eastern side.
beachside camping to the north at
Adder Rocks (great spot if there is
For campsites on North Stradbroke Island - CLICK HERE