Page 4 - Live2Camp Magazine DecJan2017
P. 4
Bush Camping at its Best
Wunglebung Campground
met us on the roadside just to
W e are quite often contacted by make sure we didn’t get lost.
owners of private campgrounds You’ve got to love county
here at Live2Camp and asked if we hospitality!
will come out and film their The drive out to Wunglebung
campgrounds. When I received a from Tenterfield was nothing
message from Katrina, the owner short of spectacular! It’s a
of the new Wunglebung drive I could have done all day
Campground, I was pretty excited! and neither Lize nor I felt that
This campground sounded fantastic usual rush to get to camp you
and you can take, not just your dog so often feel at the end of a
but also your horse along with you driving day. Then we arrived
as well! I immediately asked Lize to at Wunglebung! I didn’t know
make sure that she put where to look first. The
Wunglebung on our next filming mountains surrounding the
itinerary. valley that it sits in, the river
As we drove out of Tenterfield that snakes its way through
towards Wunglebung, not only did the campground or the fields
Katrina send us the most detailed that are punctuated by a good
directions for getting there I had old fashioned stockyard! It
ever seen but she also personally was love at first sight! Click here for Wunglebung campground Facebook page