Page 61 - PCYC 75th Anniversary Book
P. 61

What kind of club                                                                                        What on earth

 do you want??                                                                                            took so long?
                                                                                                          By Past Commodore Dennis Moss

 The choice was likely quite clear! The AGM in
                                                                                                          Basically, negotiating with the City, The Credit Valley
 November of 1982 saw members vote to proceed to
                                                                                                          Conservation Authority, the Federal Departments of
 negotiate with the City to secure fi rst right of refusal to
                                                                                                          Fisheries and Oceans, Public Works and Justice, the Ontario
 develop Crookes Park as a new site for the Port Credit
                                                                                                          Ministries of the Environment and Natural Resources, the
 Yacht Club. An extensive survey of members was then
                                                                                                          OMB, and the Federal Treasury Board, all of whom had
 undertaken to determine needs and wants. The survey
                                                                                                          different objectives and agendas, caused enormous time
 said “the members would like the new club to be
                                                                                                          commitments, frustrations, and of course, delays.
 superior in overall quality to the current club. At least half
                                                                                                           By the summer of 1983, the City and the CVCA had
 of the members would like the new club to approximate
                                                                                                          passed resolutions to negotiate leases with PCYC. Extensive
 the quality of the Boulevard Club.” Yet when conceptual
                                                                                                          planning reports had been prepared by PCYC committees.
 layouts for the harbour and grounds, along with fi nancial
                                                                                                          The Federal Government announced that it would pay
 details were presented to the members in September
                                                                                                          for the breakwall armouring. In the fall, the membership
 1983, a hot and stormy debate ensued. Some members
                                                                                                          approved the Plan For The Future and voted to proceed.
 who resented the “Taj Mahal” approach left the Club
                                                                                                          All looked good. Then the Federal Government dropped
 then and there! The rest voted to proceed, with a target
                                                                                                          a bombshell. They imposed some unexpected and
 of 1986 for occupation of the new site.
                                                                                                          unacceptable conditions on their fi nancing, They fi gured that
                                                                                                          since they were paying for the armouring of the breakwall,
 Newspaper Articles
 Plans to revitalize the Port Credit Harbour hinge on PCYC moving                                         they would own the water lots inside the breakwall, so they
 and we say YES!
                                                                                                          could dictate the terms and conditions for the leasing of it.
                                                                                                           By the spring of 1984, due to the unacceptable
                                                                                                          conditions imposed by the Federal Government and slow
                                                                                                          progress on landfi ll at the new site, it was apparent that
                                                                                                          construction at the new site would have to be postponed
                                                                                                          for at least one year. In fact, diffi cult lease negotiations with

                                                                                                         Ground Breaking Ceremony – 1989
                                                                                                         Above Left – Turning of the sod (left to right) Donna Lane Councillor Ward 8,
                                                                                                         MP Don Blenhorn, Commodore Dennis Moss and MPP Margaret Marland
                                                                                                         were on hand to offi cially break ground at the new site.
                                                                                                         Above Right – Sea Scouts prepare to raise the Canadian fl ag and our burgee
                                                                                                         for the fi rst time at Lakefront Promenade.
                                                                                                         Bottom – Our boats are all dressed for the event!
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