Page 76 - PCYC 75th Anniversary Book
P. 76

Here’s to LYF                                                                                                                                                 Dive in… the water’s fine!

             The cover of the souvenir millennium issue of Credit Notes was dedicated to LYF    Commodore Rick Wilkinson cuts the ribbon at the long                       A swimming pool was actually in the original plans for the Clubhouse and grounds   Construction started in the Fall of 1999 with the official opening held on June 24,
                                                                                   awaited opening of the pool. (Left)
             (pronounced Life) which represents three key ingredients of a successful yacht club:                                                                          when PCYC moved to Lakefront Promenade from the old site. But then, a recession   2000. The pool is 30’ x 60’ vinyl lined construction. It’s heated to maximize the length
             L – stands for LEADERSHIP. Without this essential component an organization will  Come on it, the water’s fine! Claire Riley christens the                    intervened and all projects were put on hold.                        of the swimming season. PCYC is one of the very few clubs on the lake with a
                                                                                   pool as our first swimmer (Right)
                 flounder. We’ve been truly lucky to have been led by an array of talented                                                                                   A membership survey conducted in the mid-1990s indicated that a pool was the   swimming pool and it’s enjoyed by members and guests of all ages!
                                                                                   Pig Roast (Page 75 Left)
                   Commodores and Boards throughout the years.                                                                                                             number one item on members’ wish lists to enhance their enjoyment of the club.
                                                                                   This little piggy went to market – all the oinkers having a great time
             Y – stands for YOUTH which represent the future of PCYC. Our Learn to Sail and Junior  at Pig Roast!                                                          Due to capital spending restrictions in our loan covenant the funds had to be raised
                programs help cultivate future leadership ensuring continued growth.   Margarita Mania (Page 75 Right)                                                     outside of the Club’s regular operations. A Pool Committee was formed, led first by
                                                                                   Your boat is peacefully moored at the edge of a turquoise bay and there is
             F – stands for FRIENDSHIP which is the essence of PCYC and what most of us treasure  no snow, that’s our March Margarita Mania!                               Lyn Townsend and later by Paul Sipos, to raise the necessary funds from members.
                about our time here!                                                                                                                                         At about the half way mark, converting pledges into actual cash stalled and it looked
                                                                                                                                                                           like the project might not proceed. In the end, 217 members raised a total of $142,926!
            74         The 2000s                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Port Credit Yacht Club History          75
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