Page 27 - CCNB Annual Report 2022
P. 27

 CEO Farewell
Gary Jacobson
CCNB CEO 2016 - 2022
Doc Bus, Masters MGSM, Masters Public Health
Gary joined CCNB in February 2016 on what was supposed to be a short-term contract, but lasted for over 6 years. He brought considerable experience to CCNB from years in the community sector including disability services, aged care, local government, child protection and children services, health and social enterprises. Gary helped guide the organisation through the difficulties of the pandemic, while still remaining future and outcomes focused.
Board Departures
Cecile Cooper
Chairperson - CCNB Board 2009 - 2022
Chartered Secretary, CPA, BBus
Cecile has more than 30 years' of commercial experience and is currently the Company Secretary and Chief Governance Officer of Blackmores Limited. She serves on the Governance Institute of Australia's Legislation Review Committee and her experience spans corporate governance, risk and financial management and enterprise resource. With a background in risk, Cecile played a key role in navigating CCNB through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr Stephen Ginsborg
Outgoing Director - CCNB Board 2017 - 2021
Dr Stephen Ginsborg is a General Practitioner who works on Sydney's Northern Beaches in a practice that he established 35 years ago. He has a particular interest in the challenges of ageing and end-of-life and is a Director of Council of Ageing (NSW) and also sits on the Board of Kamaroi School. Stephen enjoyed his time on the Board of CCNB, working to support clients, their families and other members of the community.
Dr Sue Craig
Outgoing Director - CCNB Board 2015 - 2022
PhD in Bus and Health Informatics, GAICD, RN
Sue has a background in strategic consulting and healthcare gained over 20 years. In recent years, her focus has been on clinical governance enabling the safe deployment of applications and IT infrastructure to improve customer services and access and security of health information across the 15 Local Health Districts of NSW Health. She was a non-executive Director with CCNB and a senior executive in NSW Government with responsibility for executing commercial reforms.

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