Page 11 - Car Sales Training Manual
P. 11

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A.1. Showroom ‘meet and greet’. Making a good first impression: smile, handshake and exchanging names (prior to offering tea, coffee and water).
A.2. “Tea or coffee?” Otherwise, a glass of fresh water. The vital importance of this courtesy in your sales process.
A.3. Determining your customer’s motoring needs and noting them down in your notebook prior to presenting a car.
A.4. Focusing on your (:8942*7C8 3**)8 from your notebook during a showroom vehicle presentation. The process of ':.1).3, ;&1:* in the car.
A.5. Signalling “I’m with a showroom walk-in customer” to a senior person
(Manager/Floor Supervisor) and handling their introduction *&71> in the sales process.
A.6. Use of supportive printed material during a showroom vehicle presentation. (Advantages manual, brochures, etc.)
A.7. Opening the bonnet and showing the engine during a showroom vehicle presentation to build value and introduce the topic of After Sales support.
A.8. The importance of understanding ‘Feature-Benefit-Advantage’ explanations during a vehicle presentation.
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B.1. The importance of your customer taking a Test Drive. Explaining the purpose and nature of the Test Drive and why you need to make a photocopy of the customer’s driver’s licence.
B.2. Commencing a vehicle test drive. The process of offering your customer a choice of radio selection for use during the demonstration drive, getting the customer comfortable in the passenger seat and explaining the controls while stationary.
B.3. Handling the driver changeover during a road demonstration. Location, comfort focus, safety and relaxation.
B.4. A checklist for conducting a successful test drive. Good tips to remember.
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C.1. Following the test drive. Settling your customer down, offering more refreshments and conducting a final “Anything we’ve missed” recap from your notebook.
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