Page 12 - Car Sales Training Manual
P. 12

C.2. Conducting a summary 574):(9 (148* from your notebook 57.47 to financial discussions. Ensuring that you carry this out with every customer.
C.3. The introduction of finance questions in the sales process. Offering to introduce your Dealership F & I person. (i.e., Finance & Insurance Manager, Business Manager/Supervisor, etc.)
C.4. Points to remember in the introduction of your Dealership’s F & I person (Manager/Supervisor).
C.5. Presenting the trade-in valuation to a customer. Points to remember when introducing the Pre-Owned Valuer/Manager and presenting the trade valuation.
C.6. Use of the colour board and Sales Consultant’s personal evidence manual after a successful product close, prior to final financial discussions.
C.7. Use of ‘Retained Value’ discussion during the financial close to support your profit retention objectives.
C.8. Sales Consultants’ evidence manuals. What they should contain, when they should be used, and the importance of keeping them up to date.
C.9. Moving to a ‘balance sheet’ close with customers who remain with unresolved objections during the summary product close.
C.10. The order write-up. Points to remember.
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D.1. Acknowledging early objections (usually price/discount) from customers and building a ‘bridge’ to move these to a later point in the sales process in order that you first determine the customer’s needs and build value in your car.
D.2. Handling and overcoming objections. Clarifying. Isolating. Diminishing. Methods to develop, practise and use in the closing phase.
D.3. Developing effective responses to common sale-threatening comments from potential customers.
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E.1. Key tips for effective telephone communication with customers.
E.2. Making a good first impression on the telephone. The critical first 60 seconds of a call. Building rapport with your customer.
E.3. Practising the important skill of Question Technique on the telephone, listening to the answers and noting the details on your Sales Consultant Telephone Enquiry pad.
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