Page 21 - Car Sales Training Manual
P. 21

-4<7442 $&10􏰌.3 􏰄36:.7> ? Session A.3
TOPIC: Determining your customer’s motoring needs and noting them
down in your notebook prior to presenting a car.
AIM: To ensure that everyone in the sales team recognises the importance of determining their customer’s motoring needs and priorities and writing them down in their “Customer Requirements” notebook for ongoing reference and a summary close.
KEY POINTS: 􏰔􏰂􏰕 !-* @􏰊:8942*7 􏰒*6:.7*2*398A 􏰇49*'440
• Customers want a new car because they have particular motoring needs.
These needs are the only reason they’ve come to see you.
• Customers want you to show genuine interest and concerns for their needs.
• You can only investigate and satisfy these needs by asking questions, and listening to and noting down the answers.
• You +47,*9 details you don’t write down. Also, customers will feel you aren’t taking their needs seriously if you don’t make some brief notes.
• Notebook details are the most professional selling aid to refer to during all stages of the presentation/demonstration.
• A summary close from a notebook is regularly the most logical and effective closing tool.
• Remember, you will need to photocopy your notebook notes and give a copy to your Sales Manager following every sales discussion.
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• This is a phase of the sale that requires “control” questions. Areas to investigate:
• “Do you have a specific model in mind?”
• If your customer enquires about a specific model:
“Could I ask what is it that you like the most about that car?”
• “Will >4: mainly be driving the car or 842*43* *18*?”
• “What are the most .25479&39 things you are looking for in your new car?” (What should be focused on in the showroom presentation and test drive.)
A.3–1 of 4

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