Page 82 - Car Sales Training Manual
P. 82

􏰂+9*7 9-* !*89 􏰀7.;* ? Session C.10
TOPIC: The order write-up. Points to remember.
C.10–1 of 3
  AIM: To ensure you obtain a legally binding contract when you write up an order with your customer.
KEY POINTS: • Your Dealership order form will only be legally binding if you are professional and faultless in writing it up.
(a) All relevant customer details clearly and accurately written on the contract:
 Full name/s and title.
 Company name.
 Phone numbers.
 Driver’s licence number.
 Email address
(b) All model details:
 Exact options and accessories.
 VIN/Engine No.
 New? Demonstrator? Pre-Owned? Kilometres travelled?
 Build and compliance plate dates.
(c) Otherpoints:
 Estimated delivery date (and always be conservative here to avoid
disappointment at delays).
 Note any time period relating to validity of trade-in valuation.
 Confirm pricing, terms and conditions.
 Sign and witness correctly.
 Take deposit and issue receipt.
 Give a copy of the order to your customer.
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