Page 97 - Car Sales Training Manual
P. 97

!*1*5-43* 􏰄36:.7> ? Session E.1
TOPIC: Key tips for effective telephone communication with customers.
AIM: To improve the telephone success of all Sales Consultants by focusing on some key skills in telecommunications.
KEY POINTS: • A customer on the telephone is /:89 &8 ;&1:&'1* as a customer standing in front of you on the showroom floor. Don’t devalue their importance just because you can’t see them.
• A telephone obstructs your visual energy level in customer communications (eye contact, smile, professional dress, handshake, positive body language).
Immediate customer impressions on the telephone come from: (80%) Tone of your voice.
(20%) The words you use.
So, make up for the loss of your visual impact with the 943* and *39-:8.&82 of
your voice. (It’s not only what you say but -4< >4: 8&> .9􏰈)
• Remember, experts have proven that your posture and facial expression is actually transmitted to the customer via your tone of voice. When talking to a customer, always sit up attentively and be bright and enthusiastic.
• When you choose the words you use, make them a bit more powerful to make up for the lack of supportive body language, (for example: “That’s great!”, “It’s superb!”)
• As you cannot observe your caller’s body language, don’t take risks in how you address them initially. When new callers give their name, don’t use their first name unless asked.
“My name’s Peter Johnson.” “Thanks 􏰆7 􏰑4-3843􏰅 I’ll ......”
• When you take a telephone sales enquiry, your strategy and basic plan is to achieve one key objective, every time; that is, to earn the right to a +&(*􏰌94􏰌+&(* &554.392*39 with the customer so you can sell them a car. Remember, you can’t sell a car over the telephone.
• While taking a telephone enquiry, remain solely focused on the call. Don’t prejudge the caller, become distracted or try to do something else at the same time.
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