Page 98 - Car Sales Training Manual
P. 98

• Concluding a telephone enquiry is a dangerous time for making mistakes and possibly losing hard-won ground.
Leave on a high. Thank the customer for giving you the opportunity.
%4: always hang up 1&89􏰈 (Don’t hang up in their ear.)
• If you encounter an aggressive or angry style of customer on the telephone, you must remain calm, reassuring and in control. Never act exasperated or allow aggression into your own tone.
END RESULT: • A closer understanding of the simple but important key elements of good telephone skills.
• Greater effectiveness for all Sales Consultants in obtaining their key objectives from a telephone enquiry.
(i) How do you actually sound over the telephone? Use a voice recorder to capture each Sales Consultant handling a typical example of a telephone enquiry through a speaker phone.
Note the tone of voice, speed of normal speech, general level of enthusiasm, etc.
Seek suggestions and look for improvements.
(ii) Role-play an aggressive customer and practise remaining calm and controlled.
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