P. 35

The Community Capital Foundation (CCF) had an impactful year of not only identifying and supporting other grassroots organisations through its grant round, but also undertook its own fundraising event, the Manly Spin-a-thon, to further support youth mental health.
With over 75 percent of mental ill health occurring before the aged of 25, and evidencing this growing need for support through our own mental health services, CCF chose to focus on supporting grass roots organisations who were working hard to address this issue.
The youth mental health grant provided $77,349 to three local charities who met the Foundations criteria as worthy candidates for a funding injection. These were:
Youth One Eighty
Harrison Riedel Foundation Empowering Parents in Crisis (EPIC)
In addition to supporting the three organisations above, CCF held its first Community fundraising event by conducting a ‘Spin-a-thon’ in Manly. Money raised from this event, provided local surf therapy charity Waves of Wellness with approximately $25,000 in support.
CCF’s Youth Mental Health Advisory Group helped guide the youth grant round for 2022.
  Ms Zali Steggall, OAM, MP, Kaz Dawson, CCNB CEO, and Kylie Owens, Waves of Wellness (left to right) at the Spin-a-thon
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On 1 April, 2023, CCNB held its nufinrsct Slepcintu-as-.tFhuosncfeunedgraeisitnags
event on the Manly Corso, with
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the assistance of Anthem Cycle
and the Manly Business Chamber.
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The goal was to raise money for youth mental health with the
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major grant going to Waves of
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Wellness to help them deliver
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their evidence-based Surfing
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Experience program to over 40 Pryoiunnpguplveinoaprlefaounctihbeusbeanicmhes.
nec sagittis.
The event was incredibly successful with $27,473 raised.

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