Page 4 - Resume Guidebook
P. 4
Action Verbs
Use the action verbs below to help articulate your skills, responsibilities and accomplishments in your resume
and in an interview.
Communication Management Detail Creativity Teaching
addressed administered approved acted adapted
arbitrated analyzed arranged conceptualized advised
arranged assigned catalogued created clarified
authored attained classified designed coached
corresponded chaired collected developed communicated
developed contracted compiled directed coordinated
directed consolidated dispatched established developed
drafted coordinated executed fashioned enabled
edited delegated generated founded encouraged
enlisted developed implemented illustrated evaluated
formulated directed inspected instituted explained
influenced evaluated monitored integrated facilitated
interpreted executed operated introduced guided
lectured improved organized invented informed
mediated increased prepared originated initiated
moderated organized processed performed instructed
motivated planned purchased planned set goals
negotiated prioritized recorded revitalized stimulated
persuaded produced retrieved shaped
promoted recommended screened
publicized reviewed specified
recruited scheduled systematized
spoke strengthened tabulated
translated supervised validated
Helping Financial Research Technical
assessed administered clarified assembled
clarified allocated collected built
coached analyzed critiqued calculated
counseled appraised diagnosed computed
demonstrated audited evaluated designed
diagnosed balanced examined devised
educated budgeted extracted engineered
expedited calculated identified fabricated
facilitated computed inspected maintained
familiarized developed interpreted operated
guided forecast interviewed overhauled
referred managed investigated programmed
rehabilitated marketed organized remodeled
represented planned review repaired
projected summarized solved
researched surveyed trained
systematized upgraded
4 | O S U - C a s c a d e s C a r e e r D e v e l o p m e n t C e n t e r