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Sinulog festival. For 32 years, the sinfully festival is the traditional celebration in Cebu City held every third Sun- day of January to honor the Santo Nino (Child Jesus). Basically, the festival is done by a dance ritual in which it tells the story of the Filipino people’s pagan past and their acceptance of Christianity. Devotion to the Santo Nino (Holy Child) an image of Jesus as a small boy dressed as a King is the mainstay of Philippine Catholic life. The fes- tival, commonly called P I T SENOR features  oats, cos- tumes, music, art, and parades. The meaning of Sinulog in Cebuano dialect is “graceful dance” or like water current movement. It describes the Sinulog forward and back- ward movements, done to the sound of drums. It is a time for partying and merriment.
From being a small gathering of Cebuano residents to celebrate its rich history, Sinulog has become a rich fes- tival which draws people from different places not just in the Philippines but also around the world.

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