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This is a story of a renowned physician, a er reaching prominence, honor, and dis nc on from his medical profession, decided to leave the limelight to live the life called for him.
Berberabe: A Resounding Sobriquet
Born in a poli cally-blooded family of Batangas City, Dr. Emilio Francisco Acosta Berber- abe, Jr., a middle child in a brood of four, grew up showing impressive intelligence as he graduated valedictorian of his class in the secondary school, magna cum laude in his pre-medical school, and meritus dis nc on in his Doctor of Medicine (DM) degree at the University of Sto. Tomas. Come mid ‘90s a er his gradua on, he started to build a medical career in the United States. In 1997, he was cer  ed to be part of the American Board of Internal Medicine and earned his medical license to prac ce in Nevada.
Man has always been living a life in search for his dream. Though there are others who continuously strive harder for greater things in life, in exchange for dream, there are also those who settles when one finds the ultimate purpose being destined for.
Middle: Dra. Jolet & Vice-Mayor Jun Berberabe & Children: Jun Jun, Cheska, Jorell, Crizelle, & Kayla

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