Page 42 - PR's - People & Culture
P. 42

BONG has been in the beauty industry for 20 plus years as a showbiz hair and make-up artist and in the  eld of print, advertising media in Manila. Pres- ently a Las Vegas resident,Bong Bella practices his talents to service the local community. ‘’I am very privileged to be able to share my insights and guide the readers through opinions and commen- taries in an industry that patronizes inclusivity and promotes our diversity and culture.
In the photos together with Dr Victoria Belo of the Belo Medical Group, and Jojie Dingcong premiere celebrity Agent, enthusiast, In uencer, taken in Vvey Switzerland.
My next topic: Hairstyles & Client Expectations
We welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions.
the closer
 e topic about Beauty is a very broad subject mat- ter which encompasses tons of ideas from experts and professionals in the  eld that we all know more or less about. So discussing the ‘Craze’ or ‘Fads’ or ‘What’s Hot’ in some aspects in this vast industry is overwhelming. And, the prevalent questions regard- ing ‘D’ trends are points of contention, to people of all ages, depending on whose generation it comes from - be it, the millenials, Gen-X, Gen-Z, Babies and Boomers.
In many social events that I had attended for sup- port of other artists, collaborations, and to witness some of my creations, I’ve been introduced to a lot
of interesting people. Even people in the business of Beauty and Styling, ask me - Who do I  nd beautiful, or who do I think is prettier? I wonder - is it just an opening line for a conversation or does this ques- tion pertain to gauge my standards or expertise. To answer does breaks the ice and opens the pandoras- beauty-box. So before the consultation trap takes place, I lead them to a common subject matter.

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