Page 48 - Relaunch Issue
P. 48

WPW! HONEYMOON                                                                                                                                                                                          WPW! HONEYMOON

                                                                              Mauritius-Parasailing                                                                                          MOMBASA

         Mauritius-anahita-golf-resort-aerial                                 MAURITIUS                                                                                                           ituated in Kenya, ‘the Jewel of East

                                                                             I  have fond memories of this                                                                                    S   Africa’, Mombasa is home to some
                                                                                                                                                                                                  of the continents finest beaches and
                                                                                island destination where I had
                                                                                my own honeymoon. Wonderful
                                                                                                                                                                                             tion is the allure of wildlife should you
                                                                             beaches, crystal clear waters and                  Mombasa-beach-resort                                         coral reefs. The other pull of this destina-
                                                                             lots of fun activities! I remember                                                     Mombasa-Serena-hotel     want to wander a bit from your resort.
                                                                             how the sign at the airport after                                                                               Never miss the chance to board a tradi-
                                                                             immigration caught our attention –                                                                              tional Arabian Dhow, while feasting on a
                                                                             “Welcome to Paradise”. I dare say                                                                               delicious seafood dinner and watching the
                                                                             that we did experience paradise in                                                                              moon rise over the old harbour.
                                                                                                                                                                                             I should say go scuba-diving, snorkel-
                                                                             The major factor for me choosing                                                                                ling, sailing, waterskiing, swimming and
                                                                             this destination over Maldives for                                                                              surfing on Kenya’s Coral Coast , but I’m
                                                                             my honeymoon however was the                                                                                    wondering really if Nigerians scuba-dive.
                                                                             thought of doing some amazing                                                                                   Too much ‘mammy-water’ tales when we
                                         Mauritius-Subscooter                things. Like enjoying a submarine                                                                               were young has rendered one too many
                                                                             tour, a real submarine that takes                                                                               of us ‘aquaphobic’. Yes, we love Olympic
                                                                             you to the bottom of the ocean for a                                                                            size swimming pools and splashing wa-
                                                                             peek into beautiful marine life. We                                                                             ter by the beach front, but diving in an
                                                                             also took the Underwater Subscoot-                                           Msambweni Beach House              uncontrolled water mass? Naaah, we can
                                                                             er, which was a more adventur-                                                                                  watch from the shore, LOL. Better still,
                                                                             ous version of the submarine ride.                                                                              drive along the south coast, where you’ll
                                                                             Imagine riding a bike under water!                                                                              find the best and most famous 10km-long,
                                                                             Parasailing was also a thrilling ac-                                                                            dazzlingly white Diani Beach, some 40km
                                                                             tivity we enjoyed. And then the one                                                                             south of Mombasa.
                                                                             that took me months to convince
                                                                             myself we’d do – Cat interaction.                                                                                Try   (visa processing 3 days)
                                                                             Not your household pussy cat mind
                                                      Mauritius-Sofitel                                                                                                                       Comfort               Leopard Beach
                                                                             you. You get to choose from touch-
                                                                             ing and experiencing firsthand any                       Mombasa-serena                                                                Resort
                                                                             of a lion, a tiger or a cheetah! Once                                                                            Deluxe                Sarova White-
                                                                             in a lifetime kind of stuff!                                                                                                           sands Beach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Resort & Spa

                                                                              Try  (Visas on arrival)                                                                                         Sensational           Serena Beach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hotel & Spa
                                                                              Comfort          Veranda Paul
                                                                                               et Virginie
                                                                              Deluxe           Le Meridien Ile
                                                                              Sensational      Four Seasons

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