Page 88 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 6
P. 88
The first and most obvious thing I Even with the longer than most Bong
noticed, was that on the good quality hit... NO coughing?!
Indoor Weed, it didn't mask any flavour, We have a Safe Signal when we hit
while on the more casual Greenhouse bongs... 'do you just need to cough it
Weed, that slight chloryphyll-grassy out, or must I call an ambulance?!'
taste was nicely hidden, bringing out No Safe Signal required!
the actual flavor of the Pot? Just a sweet smelling Vape Cloud
gathering in the morning sun rays!
The next one, Im more hesitant to say, This all made such logical sense when
cos it exposes me as one of 'those going back and now concentrating on
stoners' who can't keep a joint lit the product packaging and labelling:
without either revving the engine with This product is 100% Tobacco and
multiple puffies on each drag or Nicotine free!
relighting it after each Pass?
Thus why I add tobacco... No wonder no coughing!
It occurred to me, now almost finished So, if you've quit smoking or are a non-
this lekker thing, that I had neither smoker, you can add mix without those
double clutched nor relit either of the 2 yukky bi-products!
joints where I added the mix to? Made with a local plant, Lions Tail, on its
Now, for making me feel like an old time own has medicinal benefit such as
Stoner who has figured out how to keep decreasing anxiety and stress.
the Fucking thing lit alone, i reckoned.... Nice Add-On if you prone to the jitters or
'let's move over to trying it in the anxiety when smoking
Bong?!' When not rolling it up as it's own blarry
joint *facepalm* and rather ADDING it to
.... In the name of research of course.... your Cannabis as a mix for joints
Again... Hubby usually trrrrrreks that etc..... Between the smooth feeling
Bong so hard that the Once Green Bud smoke, the cough-less after burn, and
ends up as little more than Black Ash... the 'keeps it lit' part.... I highly
Well Yes Dear... You just inhaled a recommend giving it a go, I think we
Forest Fire. *blank stare* may stick with it until further notice.
Nice Job guys, NICE JOB!!