Page 2 - Weekly EVENTS FLYER 07 19 to 07 26
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Activities Director Liz Phipps
                  UPCOMING ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS                                703-370-7092 *

                    LATE NIGHT SWIM
                Friday, July 19 and Saturday, July 20
                 Outdoor Pool • Sundown - 10 p.m.
      Don’t  let  sunset  end your  night  of  fun.  Swim  with  the
                                                                  Call or stop by to make an appointment!
      colorful LED’s and cool off from the heat of the day!

                                                                         Haircut & Style
      NO COMMUNITY HAPPY HOUR FOR JULY                                with Dawn for $60
               We will have the next one in August!
                                                                      Value of Services Rendered: $70

                TWO MORE WEEKS LEFT!                                     Manicure and
                                                                       Pedicure Package
                Mondays  – Fridays • 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.              Buy 3 Mani/Pedi packages at $50 each   703-370-1777
               Program Runs now through August 2                   ($150 total) and get a 4th one free!
             $185/Week per Person • $50 Drop-In Rate             Mention coupon prior to service. Deals Expire Sat., August 3, 2019
      Drop the kiddos off this summer with  Milos for fun at the
      Sports Jam WAL Kids Club Program! Pack lunch and snacks,      SIGN UP FOR THE ROBOTICS CLUB!
      swim  gear,  and  comfortable  shoes  so  your  child  can  play   It’s  time  to  form  the  Robotics  Team  for  this  coming
      sports, swim, make crafts and more! Sibling discounts availa-
      ble. Register in the Activities Office to reserve a spot today!    school  year!  We  will  organize  two  First  Lego  League
                                                                 ( FLL  teams this year, a FLL Jr. team  K – Grade 3 , and
                                                                 a FLL team  Grades 4 – 8 . No prior knowledge or expe-
             BACK TO SCHOOL DRIVE 2019                           rience  is  needed.  We  do  ask  that  participants  have  a
                 Bring Donations by Friday, July 26              passion for robotics, be enthusiastic, have a strong work
                      to the Activities Office                   ethic and a positive team spirit.

                                                                 Both teams will meet at least once a week. Meeting at-
                                                                 tendance is mandatory. Teams occasionally travel to lo-
                                                                 cal expos in VA and MD to showcase their work.

                                                                 Email  Zohreh  Khoshnamak  at
                                                                 call  571-421-6181  for  more  in-
                                                                 formation  including  associated
      Support the Youth Committee as they sponsor a collec-      costs.  Sign-ups  end  Monday,
      tion to help the United Community’s efforts to give stu-   August 5.
      dents in need school supplies for the next school year.

      As  you  are  able,  please  buy  or  collect  new  backpacks
      and/or any of these supplies and place them in the bins       RENOVATOR’S SHOWCASE CALL FOR
      that are located in your building’s lobby: 10-pack mark-         RECENTLY-RENOVATED HOMES
      ers  thick or thin , dry erase markers, highlighters, plas-
      tic folders, earbuds, pencil boxes/pouches, and composi-                                  Saturday, October 19
      tion notebooks.                                                                            Showcase: 1 – 4 p.m.
                                                                                                   Terrace Lounge
                                                                                                  Reception: 5 p.m.
                             NATIONAL  NIGHT OUT                                              Proudly  display  your
                                   Tuesday, August 6                                          unit’s  recent  renovation
                               Multipurpose Court • 6 p.m.       or upgrade at this year’s showcase! The Watergate Lions
                                   FREE Event for All            Club  is  looking  for  those  willing  to  share  their
                             Come  out  for  a  night  of  fun!   experiences and give attendees a first-hand look at their
                             There’ll be an ice cream social,    renovations.

                             face painting, jump rope, Corn-     Call  703-370-7092,  email  or    email
      hole,  and  more!  To  cap  off  the  evening,  join  us  at  to  volunteer  your
      7:30pm  for  a  HUGE  WATER  BATTLE!  Warning:  you        renovated kitchen, bathroom or living space for the tour.
      will get wet!  Rain or shine  the event will be in the Ter-    We  also  invite  contractors  and  interior  designers  to
      race Lounge in case of inclement weather .

                                                                 participate. Sponsored by the Watergate Lions Club.
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