Page 19 - December 2018 Wheel FINAL
P. 19
From Liz Phipps, Activities Coordinator and Racquet Club Manager
Happy new year! The Activities Office is bustling with Enter the Jump Rope Challenge!
lots of events that you don’t want to miss! Check out Want to win a FREE personal training session (18 years or
what’s happening as we usher in 2019 at WAL: older) or a fitness prize (18 and under)? Participate in our
first ever Jump Rope Challenge! From January 15 – Janu-
Racquet Club Winter Contract Information ary 29, schedule a time to jump rope with Liz in the Activi-
Winter contracts are now available! The Racquet Club is ties Office. Whoever jumps the longest without stopping
accepting applications for the Winter Contract season will win. You must sign liability waivers before jumping.
which starts January 1 and ends March 1. Don’t forget All ages welcome.
there’s no guest fee for non-Watergate residents planning
on contracts so you do not want to miss out! If you would
like your contract to be in the lottery, please submit it Pickleball Tournament
filled out with payment by Tuesday, December 11. Con- Pickleball is thriving at WAL! Come out on Sundays be-
tact the Racquet Club to get information on pricing and tween 2 – 4 p.m. and
to submit an application. Wednesdays from 6 – 8
p.m. to play! We want to
host a Pickleball Tourna-
Massage Therapy Gift Certificates Now Available ment in January for our
Looking for that perfect gift? Order a gift certificate at community, so join us in or visit Liz in the Activities Office. December to brush up on
Miles Massage Inc. is thankful to serve WAL residents. To your game or pick up the
thank you for your business, we are now offering discount- paddle for the first time!
ed pricing! More information will
Half-hour session: $40 * One hour session: $80
1.5 hour session: $120 come out on the tournament as the time draws near.
December 2018/January 2019 Wheel Page 19