Page 2 - Weekly EVENTS FLYER 12 14 to 12 21
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Activities Director Liz Phipps
Upcoming Events and Activities 703-370-7092 *
Friday, December 14 • Card Room • 5:30 p.m. Thursday, January 3
Have fun with science, technology and engineering with the youth of 9:30 a.m. Departure • $10 Shuttle
WAL. Pre-registration required. Parents or adult guardian must stay with Hang out with us as we shop
attending children. Adult volunteers are greatly appreciated! ‘til we drop! Eat lunch on your
own time while you are there at
the Food Court or at one of the
COMMUNITY HAPPY HOUR restaurants near by!
Friday, December 14
Terrace Lounge • 7 p.m.
Saturday, January 19, 2019
PRO FOOTBALL VIEWING PARTY Terrace Lounge • Noon - 2 p.m.
Washington vs. Jacksonville Please consider donating new or gently used winter coats to the WAL
Sunday, December 16 Lions Club. At our table during the Activities Fair, we will collect those
Terrace Lounge • 1 p.m. coats and then give them to
Cheer on the ’Skins this Sunday with friends and the Youth Committee. local charities that distribute
such for those in
need. Contact Renee O’Brien
at 703-927-6922 or Bob Lee
Sunday, December 16 at 703-370-5635 for more
Market Café information. Your support is
6 – 8:30 p.m. greatly appreciated!
Jam to the tunes played by WAL resident
pianist David Breeskin at this monthly CARPENTER’S SHELTER
event hosted in the Market Café!
Now Through
GREENSTREET Friday, February 22, 2019
GROWERS AND PA Green Donation Box Located Near
Resident Services
DUTCH FARMER’S Drop off donations in the green box near the Resident Services window
MARKET and help the Senior Committee support Carpenter’s Shelter efforts to
Thursday, December 20 assist those facing homelessness in our city. The Committee would
9:30 a.m. Departure greatly appreciate if you were able to donate any of the following:
$10 Shuttle Sunscreen * Diapers sizes 3 – 6 * Deodorant * Advil/Tylenol * Razors
Tag along with the A & E and Landscape Committees as they journey to Cough Drops * Cold Medicine (No Liquids) * Full-Size Bath Towels
Greenstreet Growers in Lothian, MD. After the tour, we’ll go to the PA Toothpaste * Vitamins * Neosporin * Washcloths * Dish Towels *
Dutch Farmers Market in Annapolis, MD, where you can buy your lunch. Sponges
VISAGE As a thank you to the WAL community, cer-
GRAND OPENING tified massage therapist Andrew Carr offers
massage at WAL at a discounted rate! He’s
Saturday, December 22 here on Monday mornings and afternoons as
3 - 5 p.m. well as Friday afternoons and evenings. Visit
You are invited to come in and meet to book an appoint-
the new salon owner! Enjoy refresh- ment or call Liz at 703-370-7092. Appointments can last 30 minutes ($40),
ments and make your appointment one-hour ($80) or 90 minutes ($120). More details on scheduling, pricing
for A New Year! A New You! and payments can be found on the website.