Page 2 - Weekly EVENTS FLYER 05 17 to 05 24
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Activities Director Liz Phipps
                  UPCOMING ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS                               703-370-7092 *

         NO JR. SCRAPBOOK CLUB MEETING                                  COMMUNITY HAPPY HOUR
      Please note that the Junior Scrapbook Club will not meet this   Friday, May 31 • Terrace Lounge  • 7 p.m.
      Saturday, May 18. It will resume on the following Saturday,   Hosted by the Recreation and Youth Committees.
      May 25. Ages 8 and up recommended. Contact Diane Mullens         Sponsored by the Board of Directors.
      at or 703-973-4373 for details!

         SIGN UP FOR THE SPORTS JAM KIDS                               FREE LESSON AT TENNIS EXPO
                                                                                   Saturday, June 8
            CLUB PROGRAM ON SATURDAYS                                       Outdoor Tennis Courts •  10 a.m.
                 Saturdays: May 18 and June 1, 8, 15            Ever wanted to give tennis a try? Come out to this
           Meet at the Town Square  • 1 – 4 p.m. • $25 per day   year’s  Tennis  Expo!  Attendees  learn  the  rules
                    Register your child for a Saturday session with   behind  the  game  and  practice  common  tennis
                    the Sports Jam Kids Club Program managed    drills. It’s a FREE event, so don’t miss out!
                    by Pro-Fit! Let your child play sports, make
                    crafts,  swim and more! You  can  contact  the
                    Activities Office to reserve a spot.               FRENCH OPEN VIEWING PARTY
                                                                                             Sunday, June 9
                SUNDAY ON THE TERRACE                                                   Terrace Lounge  •  9 a.m.
            Sunday, May 19 Lower Terrace • 1 –  3 p.m.                             Join in the excitement as we watch
      Come to one of WAL’s most popular events and you might                       the French Open men’s finals! The
      win  a  door  prize!  Representatives  from  WAL’s  landscaping              Recreation  Committee  will  supply
      contractor BrightView will provide professional planting ad-                 light  refreshments.  FREE.  RSVP
      vice. Learn about the best flowers and herbs to plant on your                with the Activities Office.
      balcony this spring and summer! Door prizes
      include large containers of beautifully planted
      flowers and herbs as well as gardening sup-                    THE WHARF, DC
      plies.  Refreshments  will  be  served.  The                       Thursday, June 6
      Landscape Committee sponsors this event.                             $10  Shuttle
                                                                       10:30 a.m. Departure
                                                                The  Wharf  is  DC's  newest  day
                                                                trip  destination,  bringing  famous
                         WAL PLAY READERS                       restaurants,  new  shops,  and
                    Tuesday, May 21 • Card Room • 7 p.m.        beautiful  waterfront  views  together  in  one  place.
                 Stretch your theatrical muscles with neighbors as   Explore The Wharf on your own for the day! Lunch will
                 you read classic plays.                        be on your own at The Wharf. We will depart at 10:30
                                                                a.m. and return to Watergate by 3:15 p.m.

            SCIENCE CLUB
               Friday, May 24                                    WILL ROGERS, USA PLAY
           Card Room • 5:30 p.m.                                      AND FINE DINING
      Have fun with science, technology,
      and engineering with the youth of                                  Saturday, June 22
      WAL. Pre-registration required. Attending children must be     Terrace Lounge, TV Room
      supervised. Sponsored by the Youth Committee.                       and Card Room
                                                                 6 – 9:30 p.m. • Ticket: $40/person
                                                                        Elegant Dress Attire
                                                                Kaleidoscope  Theatre  Co.  presents  by special  arrange-
                                                                ment with George Spota Productions: Will Rogers’ USA
                                                                adapted  from  the  words  of  Will  Rogers  by  Paul  Shyre
       Saturday, May 25, Sunday, May 26 and Monday, May 27      featuring Rob Cork as Will Rogers.
                    The Market • Noon – 2 p.m.                  The Watergate Market and Café will cater the evening’s
      Who  can  resist  made  to  order  hamburgers  and  hotdogs,   meal, which consists of soup, roast pork dinner and des-
      especially grilled ones?  Buy  a  few at  The  Market and  chat   sert. Ticket price covers the meal, tips, and entertain-
      with  your  neighbors  and  guests  on  the  Terrace  or  by  the   ment  costs.  All  beverages  must  be  purchased  at  the
      Outdoor Pool! Outdoor grilling may not occur in heavy rain or   Market.  To  attend,  buy  a  non-refundable  ticket  at  the
      extreme cold weather.                                     Activities Office. Sponsored by the Social Committee.
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