Page 17 - July 2019 Version 2
P. 17


          By Steve Clunn, Pet Committee Co-Chair

                                                                After experiencing our largest Yappy Happy Hours ever
                                                                in May and June of this year, we’re gearing up for the
                                                                next  three  events  on  the  first  Friday  of  each  month
                                                                through  September  at  7:30  p.m.  on  the  Upper  Terrace.
                                                                Mark these dates in your calendar: July 5, August 2 and
                                                                September 6.

                                                                While the Pet Committee provides snacks and beverages,
                                                                you’re invited to bring your own favorite snacks and/or
                                                                beverages  to  share…and,  of  course,  bring  your  four-
                                                                legged friend!

                                                                If you’re a dog lover and just want a doggie fix, you’re
                                                                invited to join us as well. It’s a lot of fun and great so-
                                                                cialization for dogs and humans alike!

                                                                Bring  your  own  reusable  cup  to  help  us  cut  down  on
                                                                waste.  Donations are also accepted at these events for
                                                                future Yappy Happy Hours.

                                                                Thanks, and I hope to see you at the next Yappy Happy
          Residents of all ages enjoy the Yappy Happy Hours each
          month on the Upper Terrace. Photo: Steve Clunn        Hour!

                                           Pet of the
            Photo: Jeremy Idol and
            Paige Walsh                      Month


                                        This  American  Kennel
                                        Club-registered  Yellow
                                        Labrador  Retriever  be-
                                        longs to Jeremy Idol and
                                        Paige Walsh. She’s been
                                        with  them  since  2017
                              Photo: Erynn Hook and Matthew Handley
                                        and you can find Gracie
                                        enjoying a cuddle after a
                                        hard  day  of  playing  in
                                        the  creek  or  running
            This pooch is ready to play!   around with friends.

          Have a pet (dog, cat, lizard, bird, etc.) you want to feature as
          the Pet of the Month? Take a print-worthy photo and write a
          story about your pet, how the pet became a part of your fami-
          ly, and things that make your pet special. Funny or unique
          stories welcomed! Email or drop by as a
          guest at the Pet Committee meeting the first Thursday of the
          month at 7:30 p.m. in Conference Room 1.

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