Page 1 - Weekly EVENTS FLYER 07 05 to 07 12
P. 1
Friday, July 5 to Friday, July 12, 2019 • Watergate at Landmark Unit Owner Association
Tuesday, July 9 “Safety, WAL, You and the Latest in the
*The schedule may change.* Social, 6 p.m., Conference Rm. 2 City of Alexandria Technology”
Wednesday, July 10 Wednesday, July 10
•Bldg. 4 HVAC Coil Clean- Landscape, 11 a.m., Conference Rm. 2 Terrace Lounge • 7 p.m.
ing starts on Monday, Project Review, 7 p.m., Conference Rm. 2 This program introduces Smart911, a FREE
July 8 weather permit- Thursday, July 11 program where you provide emergency
ting. Pet, 7:30 p.m., Conference Rm. 1 details in advance to emergency dispatchers
•Bldg. 3 HVAC Coil Clean- STORAGE BIN REMINDER in case of an emergency. Volunteers will
assist with sign-ups for the Smart911 program
ing starts on Friday, July Our community has storage bins for your at this event.
12, weather permitting. convenience. Please make sure the storage
•Limited Use of the Car area you use is the one associated with your CELEBRATING
Wash and Vacuum areas unit number. Please place a lock on your
due to the Racquet Club storage bin whether it is in use or not to avoid THIS WEEKEND
Roof replacement project. unauthorized use. Unauthorized use of storage WITH
bins may result in the property being discarded
Work In Progress without notice. FIREWORKS?
•Bldg. 4’s HVAC/Fascia The Alexandria Fire Dept.
Project on Tiers 1 and 3 PACKAGE DELIVERY reminds those who visit,
•Indoor Racquet Club Roof SAFETY TIPS live, and work in the City of Alexandria that
•Bldg. 1’s Elevator #3 is To minimize the risk of having your package it is unlawful for anyone to store, offer for
sale, expose for sale, sell at retail, use or
out of service next week. tampered with or stolen, it is suggested that explode any fireworks including sparklers or
you retrieve packages as soon as they arrive. novelty items within the City limits. The
Many companies offer tracking services to view Fire Marshal will, at the owner's expense,
your package’s scheduled delivery time. seize and take all fireworks found in the
IMPORTANT CONTACTS If you aren’t going to be home to retrieve a City. The above offenses are Class One
package, consider using one of the tips below: misdemeanors in the City and may result in a
Shuttle Bus Text Opt-In • Send the package to a trusted neighbor or $2,500 fine and/or up to 12 months in prison.
Text “watergate” to friend whom you know will be present when
844-612-2165 it arrives. NO SHIRT, NO SHOES?
FirstService Residential • Request the delivery company to hold the
703-385-1133 package. BIG PROBLEM!
As a reminder, please remember to wear
Resident Services Office • Add an extra layer of security by requesting
703-370-7000 your package be marked as “signature shoes and shirts when walking through the
required.” Community Center.
Gate Communications
703-370-2674 • Some stores allow you to order from them FSRCONNECT VISITORS LIST
and pick it up in-store.
Activities Office Do you have long-term guests or contractors?
703-370-7092 • Receive packages at work while you are
there. For your convenience, you can use
Lobby Entrance Camera • Fill out an authorization form requesting that FSRConnect’s “Visitor List” function instead
Comcast - 971 the package be delivered to the Resident of calling Resident Services each time your
Master Antenna - 3 visitors arrive! This online database allows
Services Office.
WAL CCTV Channels Packages must you to add and remove visitors as well as set
Comcast - 970 weigh no more start and expiration dates for when you want
Master Antenna - 8 them designated as visitors. Residents who
than 20 pounds
Metro Water and be no larger opt to update their visitors list online should
703-461-3418 advise guests to inform the front and back
than 12” x 18” x
Racquet Club 24”. gate guards that their name is on the Visitor
703-370-7047 List to expedite the entry process.